Sierra Club Georgia Chapter Condemns Resumption of Electricity Service Disconnections in Georgia

Sierra Club Georgia Chapter Condemns Resumption of Electricity Service Disconnections in Georgia

ATLANTA, GA — Today, the moratorium on electricity disconnections as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis has ended following a unanimous vote of the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) last month. Georgia Power serves over two million customers who are now subject to electricity disconnections today, July 15.

This means that Georgians who have fallen behind on their utility bills through no fault of their own during the COVID-19 pandemic are now at risk of having their electricity shut off. While the state remains in the midst of a major unemployment crisis and COVID-19 cases continue to rise, this is unacceptable.

Leaders in other states around the country have extended utility shut off moratoria as far off as March 2021. This decision in Georgia is dangerous, especially while the public is being asked to stay home. Georgians who have their electricity shut off during the summer are at risk for heatstroke and other heat-related problems due to lack of air conditioning, especially the elderly and people who are immunocompromised. Shutoffs could result in even more financial hardship for families.

Jessica Morehead, Georgia Sierra Club Chapter Director, released the following statement in response to the moratorium ending:

“Georgia is still reeling from unprecedented unemployment and a worsening public health crisis and now, when many are worried about how they will feed their families and keep them safe, they will face the possibility of losing their access to electricity. It is unconscionable to leave our most vulnerable citizens to fend for themselves. The Georgia PSC should prioritize the people of Georgia, not the pockets of Georgia Power.”

About the Sierra Club Georgia Chapter

The Sierra Club Georgia Chapter is the largest grassroots environmental organization in the state, with more than 75,000 members and supporters. The Chapter supports a robust outings program and has active committees working on forest and coastal protection, transit expansion, and clean energy. For more information, visit

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3.8 million members and supporters. In addition to protecting every person's right to get outdoors and access the healing power of nature, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit

**Media Contact**
Ricky Leroux, Communications Coordinator, Sierra Club Georgia Chapter
404-607-1262 ext. 234 |

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