Activists to rally outside Public Service Commission against Georgia Power’s proposed rate hikes

ATLANTA — Activists from multiple environmental and social justice organizations plan to rally outside the Public Service Commission’s office at 4 p.m. Monday, September 30, to protest and raise awareness about Georgia Power’s proposed rate hikes on Georgians.

Georgia Power wants to extract an additional $2.2 billion from its customers over the next few years through raising its electricity rates and fees. In addition to charging more for electricity, the utility wants to raise its mandatory monthly fixed rate that must be paid regardless of how much electricity is used.

The Georgia Public Service Commission has a series of hearings planned on Georgia Power’s proposal, and the Sierra Club Georgia Chapter is joining our partners to fight this rate hike. Monday’s rally coincides with the first day of hearings on Georgia Power’s rate case.

More information on Georgia Power’s proposal can be found on this page put together by the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy:

The Sierra Club Georgia Chapter’s partners in this effort include the Partnership for Southern Equity, Sankofa Church, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, SisterCARE Alliance, Georgia Conservation Voters, Shrine of the Black Madonna Pan African Christian Church, Mt. Welcome Missionary Baptist Church, Georgia WAND, Georgia Community Coalition, Environment Georgia, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.

What: A rally to protest a proposal from Georgia Power to raise rates on Georgians.

When: 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Monday, September 30

Where: Outside the Public Service Commission’s office, 244 Washington St. SW, Atlanta, GA 30303

**Media contact**
Neil Sardana, Organizing Representative the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign in Georgia

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