Clean Energy For All Civic Dinners Factsheet

The Georgia Sierra Club is working this summer with the Civic Dinners program to bring the conversation about clean energy to community members in the Atlanta area.

This fact sheet can help provide a few key points of Atlanta’s Clean Energy plan. (All information presented here can be found in Clean Energy Atlanta, which is located at and was produced by the city of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Resilience).

Atlanta clean energy graphic 1

Atlanta clean energy graphic 2

A Few Common Questions:

Q: What is clean energy as defined in the Clean Energy Atlanta plan?

A: It is defined as “energy derived from wind, solar, existing and low impact hydroelectric, geothermal, biogas, and wave technology sources”

Q: How much of our current energy is provided by clean energy sources?

A: Currently only 6% of our energy needs are met with clean energy sources.

Q: How does the Clean Energy Plan affect local community members?

A: Some neighborhoods in Atlanta pay up to 9.6% of their household income on energy expenses, which is considerably more than the national average of 3%.Transititioning to cleaner energy can help lower electricity bills for everyone. As the infographic below shows, it can also help to lower healthcare costs and create as many as 8000 new jobs.

For more information or to sign up to host or be a guest at a dinner, please fill out the Sierra Club form at

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