#SpeakTruth2GAPower Rally at Final Georgia 2019 Energy Plan Hearing A Huge Success!

On the last day of Georgia's 2019 Energy Plan Hearing at the Georgia Public Service Commission, more than 100 residents from across Georgia came out to #SpeakTruth2GAPower and call for clean affordable energy to address our global climate crisis.

SpeakTruth2GAPower Rally June 11

We were led in chants and speeches by Rev. Gerald Durley from Interfaith Power and Light, several #ClimateStrike organizing Metro Atlanta high school youth from Atlanta For the Planet and Neil Sardana, Georgia #BeyondCoal Campaign Organizer from the Sierra Club.

Shortly after Georgia Energy Plan Hearing had concluded, Georgia Public Service Commision Chairman Bubba McDonald came down to address the rally, expressing that they were slowly moving the state towards clean energy without raising people's electricity rates.

Sierra Club Beyond Coal Campaign Lawyer Zack Fabish and Campaign Representative Stephen Stetson provided an update to the crowd about progress being made in the 2019 Energy Planning process and what to expect next.

The hearings on Georgia's 2019 Integrated Resource Plan have formally ended, and we are now in an ex parte status, meaning that no party to the IRP, including the Sierra Club and its members, can lobby or have any contact with the Public Service Commissioners regarding the 2019 Integrated Resource Plan.

Thanks to all who've given us their support, joined our Clean Energy Conversations community events, organized with us at our Georgia Beyond Coal meetings or taken action in the streets with us to win greater clean affordable energy in Georgia as a part of the 2019 Energy Plan!

Ain't no power like the power of the people, cause the power of the people won't stop until we win clean affordable energy for all of Georgia!

Photo Album 1: Statewide #SpeakTruth2GAPower Rally at Final 2019 #GAIRP Hearing
Photo Album 2: People Power at #SpeakTruth2GAPower Rally - Photos by Erik Voss
Live Video: #SpeakTruth2GAPower Rally at Final 2019 IRP Hearing on June 11th

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