Families Belong Together

By Brenda Cargin

Families Belong Together

The Sierra Club’s mission statement says that we will “enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment,” so any situation in which children and families and people seeking a better life are locked away for political reasons is one we must join in the struggle to change.

This administration is separating children from their parents, criminalizing parents seeking a better life for their children, jailing entire families, placing children and women in dangerous and inhumane environments like detention centers, and building up destructive border wall and militarization in an attempt to bring hate and fear into our country. That is why we are marching this Saturday, June 30th in solidarity with all those who are seeing their lives and communities shattered by the policies of the Trump Administration - and to fight for a better way.

To RSVP for the Families Belong Together: Atlanta rally, click here >>

Can't make it? Donate to support families that are being detained and separated at the border here >>

More on the Sierra Club's stance about the dangerous, inhumane, and expensive policies taking place at the border:

Sierra Club Vehemently Opposes Border Wall, Militarization passed out of Senate Committee >>

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