The Metro Atlanta Group comprises the largest Sierra Club membership in Georgia and is dedicated to exploring, preserving and protecting the environment within the Atlanta area. General meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month; currently, they are held at the Georgia Chapter Office (location below), but this may change in the near future. Snacks and socializing is at 7:00 p.m. and the actual meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. Meetings consist of hosting a speaker from city or state organizations with a focus on the environment or science. Executive Committee members also discuss upcoming events and ways to get involved in the Sierra Club.
Parking is limited to about a dozen parking spaces at the Georgia Sierra Club office, so it is encouraged that you arrive early or take MARTA. There is also a charging station for electric vehicles!
To get to the office from the Avondale MARTA station, use the south side exit from the train. Take the stairs down to the street, and turn left on E. College Avenue. Continue past the Sams Street intersection where you will find La Calavera Bakery; the office is in the building behind the bakery (see picture).
Contact Information
Metro Atlanta Group
c/o Georgia Sierra Club
743 East College Ave., Suite B
Decatur, GA 30030
Tel.: 404-607-1262
Fax: 404-876-5260
The Metro Atlanta Group of the Sierra Club is the grassroots organizational section of the Sierra Club. Our members live primarily in Fulton and DeKalb counties of Georgia, in the metropolitan Atlanta area. The Atlanta Group functions under an Executive Committee, comprised of five members. The elected ExCom members serve a two-year term. The ExCom functions as the guiding and administrative leaders for the members in the Atlanta area. Others serve roles in doing conservation work, lead outings trips, conduct political advocacy and meet and interact with Sierrans in Atlanta.
The Executive Committee normally meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm. Meetings are usually held at a local eatery, or online during the pandemic. For more information about attending these meetings, please contact an Executive Committee member.
Current Metro Atlanta Group Leaders
2022 Executive Committee (Ex-Com) Members
- Nina Dutton, Co-Chair [, 404-947-6767]
- Eddie Ehlert, Political Chair & Secretary [, 770-455-4849]
- Matthew Evans, Treasurer [, 234-567-5190]
- Max Brown, Outings Leader []
- Justin Brightharp [, 678-654-3856]
2016 Executive Committee (Ex-Com) Members
- Denise LaSonde, Co-Chair []
- Eddie Ehlert, Delegate to Chapter Ex-Com & Secretary [, 770-455-4849]
- Nina Dutton [, 404-947-6767]
2015 Committee Chairs and Other Positions
- Martin McConaughy, Outings [ 770-401-3185]
- Eddie Ehlert, Group & Chapter Political Chair [ 770-455-4849]
- Ted Jackson, Treasurer [ 404-292-3466]
- Blount Ferrell, Store []
- Stream Sentinels for Georgia Adopt-A-Stream Program
- Larry Kloet []
- Elizabeth Knowlton []
- Nancy Wylie []
- Matthew Evans, Webmaster []