How to send a comment to state regulators about Georgia Power's proposed fuel costs

Here's everything you need to know to send a comment to the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) about this year’s proposed electricity bill increases, which are due to increased fuel costs.

Georgia Power’s proposed rate hikes will impact many Georgians who are already struggling to provide necessities for their families. We need to join together and advocate to the PSC: Limit rate hikes and ask that Georgia Power share some of the fuel costs instead of putting it all on customers. 

Ready to send your comment? Follow the instructions below:

Step 1:

Go to

Step 2:

Fill in the form with this info:

  • Docket Number: 44902
  • Agenda Item: Fuel Docket
  • Date of hearing: May 2, 2023
  • Position: Oppose

Step 3:

Add a comment. Comments can be as long or as short as you want. The key for a good comment is to make it your own. Ask yourself: Why is affordable energy important to me? Why do I care about the consequences of rate hikes on me and my neighbors? How can the Public Service Commissioners elevate the needs of the public for access to affordable, clean energy?

We encourage you to be yourself and keep it simple. If you need help framing your comment, feel free to use the following structure: Who I am // where I live // what I value // the moment // the problem // the solution.

Below is a example you can use for inspiration:

"My power bill is already too expensive. I live on a fixed income and can’t afford Georgia Power to raise my bill again and again and again. Georgia Power’s bad estimates and failure to account for gas and coal price volatility has resulted in the company seeking out customer’s funds in order to cover their mistakes and pay the bill. Georgia Power has taken NO steps to reduce fuel cost because they do not have anything to lose, but I do. Passive hope is not a strategy. I urge you to put customers first and hold Georgia Power responsible to pay their fair share for these outrageous fuel costs!"

Step 4:

Once you finish writing your comment, click the "Submit" button. If you provided your email address, you should get an email message confirming receipt of your comment.

And that's it! Thanks so much for taking action to fight for affordable electricity for all Georgians!

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