

Just because you may be new to environmental concern, volunteering, or to the Sierra Club, don't let that stop you from joining and participating. We have many tasks where your help can be valuable. Outdoor and indoor, from conservation to administration, we sure could use your help! We can work around your schedule to find ways for you to meet people, have fun, and get satisfaction as you help save the planet !!

The Tampa Bay Sierra Club has a long, successful record in helping to guide growth in our county and our state in order to protect our communities and our natural resources. Join us to learn more about local conservation issues and campaigns including clean and affordable water, climate change, transportation issues, trees, wildlife and land conservation, phosphate mining, renewable energy and much more.  Contact for more information and meeting links.

Meetings are held virtually on the second Monday of each month.



The Sierra Club was founded "to explore, enjoy and protect the wild places of the earth." To do this more effectively, our Outings leaders have joined forces with those of other surrounding groups in St. Petersburg, Pinellas, Pasco, and Sarasota in order to provide outing opportunities.

Some of the many Outings may include canoe trips along the Withlacoochee River, day hikes in Hillsborough RIver State Park, kayaking to Caya Costa Island on New Years Weekend, bicycling through Ocala National Forest, conducting basic wilderness training, and backpacking overnight in Juniper Springs. You don't have to be a wilderness expert. Usually all you need is a good pair of shoes. Nature usually takes care of the entertainment . Come see (and hear and smell) nature's beauty for yourself! For more information email Rocky Milburn.


Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) 

Our ICO is focused on providing the outdoor experience to youths who may not otherwise have the chance to learn about the outdoors. Some have never used a map, or been to a museum, seen animals in the wild, been taught to fish, or even known that a river runs through the middle of Tampa.And the kids learn, not just about the environment, but about themselves. You can see the friendship bonds build, or their eyes open wide when they discover they are standing just yards away from a wild animal. The volunteering is as much an eye-opener for the adults as it is for the children.  For more information, contact



Our Political Committee is very active during election years.  Help assist in screening local candidates running for office so that we can endorse those with a proven "green-friendly" record with the Sierra Club name.   Committee members help review the candidates' positions on various issues and participate in panel discussions. As part of the Sierra Club, you can have a real impact in your community's future. This is what being part of the nation's largest "grass-roots" organization is all about! For more information, contact



Our Membership Committee  helps put together membership drives as well as welcome new members at meetings and events.  This is often one of the best ways to meet the active members. When you are teamed up with an experienced member, hearing the public's questions and members' answers provides a quick and easy way to learn about our many activities in the surrounding communities.  For more information, contact


Stadium Recyling Incentive

Through the generous arrangement with the Tampa Sports Authority, we are able to help promote recycling at many of the events held in the new Raymond James Stadium. For just an hour or two of time contributed toward recycling prior to an event, Sierra Club members are provided access to events for FREE. This includes games of the Buccaneers, Mutiny Soccer, South Florida Bulls, and certain concert events. If you want to do something good for your community and wouldn't mind enjoying a free pro sports or concert event, contact Dave Varrieur at or 813-503-6970.