Health of Our Florida Springs by Ryan Smart, executive director of the Florida Springs Council (FSC)

Presented June 14, 2023


Speaker:  Ryan Smart, executive director of the Florida Springs Council (FSC). Ryan took the helm as FSC's first Executive Director in 2018, after having served as the Director of the Florida Conservation Coalition and President of 1000 Friends of Florida. 

The Florida Springs Council is the only statewide non-profit advocacy organization dedicated solely to the protection and restoration of Florida’s world-class springs and spring fed rivers.

Founded in 2014 FSC has grown to include more than fifty organizations and thousands of individual members, as well as a top-notch team of scientists, engineers, lawyers, artists, and educators who share a passion for protecting Florida springs. Together they take on the biggest challenges facing our waters - pollution, overuse, and habitat loss - in the courtroom, the Capitol, and the media.

Ryan will bring us up to date on courtroom battles with those who pollute and abuse our springs by bottling water, mining phosphate, ignoring the BMAP (Basin Management Action Plan), and more.e the destruction of R Florida’s springs and waters.

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