Get Involved!
The Sierra Club Miami Group today has over 2,000 members in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties. We are all volunteers and there is always work to be done.
Education and Community Outreach Committee needs Volunteers. There are many outdoor events in South Florida where non-profit organizations are given the chance to participate. The Miami Group tables at many of these events to meet people, entertain their kids, tell them about the Sierra Club, and give them some information on the environment and local issues. If you are interested in helping at any events please email Kathy Teas.
Inspiring Connections Outdoors needs help maintaining equipment. We have trips going out on weekends and we need help when we get back - cleaning and storing the equipment. We also need someone to help us repair sleeping bags, paddles, coolers, etc. Be a welcome home helper at the end of our trips, or, just pitch in one time to help fix gear! Email Karen Kerr to volunteer.
Miami Group is always looking for environmental writers! We need volunteers to write about current local, regional or global environmental issues for our webpages and our newsletter. We need short, interesting, and engaging articles on topics of importance to our members and the community. Pick your own issue, follow it, report on it. To volunteer, email our Newsletter Editor.
Other ways to get involved
Do you love being with kids as much as you love being outdoors? Inspiring Connections Outdoors is looking for a few good people to step up and become trip leaders. Interested? Send an email to Karen Kerr.
Do you love the outdoors and want to share it with others? Miami Group Outings is looking for leaders. If you have led trips before for Sierra or the Scouts, we need you to join our outings program. We know that to get people to protect the environment they need to love it, and what better way than to explore it ? Interested? Email Mark Walters.
Do you want to help the Miami Group? Our Executive Committee or ExCom is now a sleek, 7 member team. They have a conference call or a face-to-face meeting once a month and communicate via email to make decisions for the Miami Group. We need volunteers every year to keep this club going! We have between two and four openings to fill in December! You don't need to be an environmental expert, just have an interest in working with the Sierra Club. For more info you can catch us at the general meetings (second Mondays) or just ask our ExCom members any questions. We also have committees for specific work and their numbers vary from year to year. Right now we have committees for Conservation, Education, Grants, Web, Newsletter, Finance, and Membership. If interested please email the Miami Group Chair
If you are looking for any other volunteer opportunities the Sierra Club now has a volunteer website where you can search for them.