The Junior Team



BSG Junior Team flyer


Junior Team News...

This year, five of our extraordinarily dedicated active Broward Sierra Group-Junior Team members have graduated from high school and are off to further their education in college.

Our Broward Sierra Group has unanimously passed the motion to congratulate our high school graduates of the Junior Team with a Grant of $500.00. This Grant will enable them to purchase the books and supplies that they will need.  In addition to this Grant, they have received a beautiful Sierra Club backpack to carry those heavy books.
As long as our graduates’ home addresses remain in Broward County, they will be able to participate with the Broward Sierra Group continuing advocating for environmental sustainability and sharing the Sierra Club’s mission.

Leila Murray    Angelina Garcia    Amber Sarch    Hanna Neugaard    Hyatt Talpur


Broward Sierra Group-Junior Team

BSG Jr Team1
BSG Junior Team 3

Sasha-Kay Lindo, Elizabeth “Lizzy” Schenker, and Anagha Iyer


Many major banks, including Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, continue to fund coal, gas, and oil companies despite major breakthroughs in clean energy technologies. This is because they can make a quick profit, leaving future generations to deal with the resulting consequences. Currently, youths' voices are ignored because we are not the primary moneymakers that contribute to these banks' assets. The Broward Sierra Group - Junior Team has taken a stand to say that with these banks’ ignorance toward our generation comes a great deal of issues that put our planet at risk. We do not want to be the ones who have to clean up this mess.

At the Summer of Heat event hosted by the Broward Sierra Group, Third Act Florida, CLEO institute and Broward Climate Alliance, the students on the Junior Team were able to make their voice heard. We spoke in front of the audience where we emphasized the importance of fossil fuel divestment to protect our future generations’ planet.

All attendees wrote postcards to Costco, encouraging the company to stop using Citibank credit cards, since Citibank is one of the banks investing in fossil fuel. In addition, we wrote cards to voters, encouraging them to leverage their power as constituents and make their voice heard at the upcoming August 20th election.

See our Facebook Page

The Underwater Team


The Broward Sierra Group-Junior Team is collaborating with the Xavier Cortada Foundation to bring an exciting sea level rise initiative to schools across Broward County. “The Underwater” is a community-led climate action campaign that uses interactive art installations to reveal South Florida’s elevation, spark conversations, and urge civic engagement.

BSG Underater Team


Leah Weisburd, Broward Sierra Group Chair

Adam Roberti, Xavier Cortada Foundation Executive Director

Abigail “Abby” Khol, Junior Team Vice Chair,

Elisa Jones Broward Sierra Group Vice Chair

Anagha Iyer, Junior Team Chair.

Support the Broward Green Schools Campaign