Victory in lead-based paint and dust-lead hazards suit

January 10, 2018: The Ninth Circuit ruled in our favor in our challenge to EPA's failure to strengthen its rules for lead-based paint and dust-lead hazards. Under the decision, EPA must update its regulations defining lead-based paint and how much lead in dust represents a hazard to public health. A proposed rule is due within 90 days of the court's decision, with the final rule due a year thereafter. According to the court, EPA unreasonably failed to act on a citizen petition submitted in 2009, which argued that, according to the best available science, EPA's existing rules, from 2001, failed to sufficiently protect children. Thousands of children still live in homes with lead-based paint hazards, and the decision accordingly represents a significant step forward in protecting these children. The Club and its allies were represented by Earthjustice.