Sierra Club intervenes in proposal to build 140 new fracking wells in Boulder County

Thursday September 27, 2018: the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission ruled that the Sierra Club represented by ELP Managing Attorney, Eric Huber, will be allowed to intervene in an October hearing on Crestone Peak Resources’ comprehensive drilling plan (CDP) to frack Boulder County Open Space. 
Crestone’s proposed project is unprecedented in scale and is a portent of overwhelming “modern” oil and gas development in the county. The project would include 140 wells, 112 of which would sit directly on top of Boulder County Open Space. The type of wells proposed by Crestone would require more water, fracking chemicals, and solid fracking materials than used previously in all the existing 779 wells in the county. The wells would also produce more flowback waste than all previous wells in the county combined. 
Read more here.