Courts Continue to Pressure Scott Pruitt to Do His Job, Protect Communities from Dangerous Smog Pollution

June 13, 2018: The US District Court for the District of Maryland sided with the Sierra Club and allies, requiring EPA to respond within 90 days to a petition filed by the State of Maryland seeking relief from harmful air pollution coming from coal plants in five upwind states. In November 2016, Maryland had petitioned EPA seeking a finding that 36 coal units at 19 power plants in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia were interfering with Maryland's ability to achieve health-based ambient air quality standards for ground-level ozone (smog). After EPA failed to timely respond, the State of Maryland, Sierra Club and a number of other groups sued EPA seeking a court-ordered deadline for a decision. Today's order granting summary judgment to Sierra Club and allies coincides with a federal court decision in a separate lawsuit filed by New York and Connecticut ordering EPA to take long-overdue action to address transported smog pollution traveling into New York and Connecticut from Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. Together, these decisions will help hold EPA to account in remedying the health harms caused by interstate transport of air pollution. 

Read the Sierra Club's official press release here