Court Rules EPA Ozone Report Due July 31

June 7, 2018: "A federal appeals court, again squelching EPA's hopes of ending two related lawsuits, is ordering the agency to report by July 31 on its progress in making area attainment designations for its 2015 ground-level ozone standard.

A three-judge panel on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ordered the fresh status report yesterday. That was one day after EPA lawyers had reiterated their request that the court dismiss as moot the two legal challenges brought last summer by a coalition of Democratic-leaning states and advocacy groups. The plaintiffs had brought the suits after EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced in June 2017 a uniform one-year delay in making the attainment designations, which were statutorily due by October 2017. Pruitt eventually withdrew that decision, but the court has since repeatedly rebuffed EPA's requests to throw out the lawsuits." (source: E&E News)

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