Another Setback for Keystone XL Pipeline

Friday, December 7, 2018: Today, a federal judge reaffirmed that TransCanada cannot conduct any pre-construction field activities on its proposed Keystone XL pipeline. This ruling means that construction on the controversial tar sands pipeline will continue to be delayed.

Earlier this month, the U.S. District Court for the District of Montana ruled that the Trump administration violated bedrock U.S. environmental laws when approving a federal permit for the pipeline. The ruling blocked any construction while the government revises its environmental review.

"Somehow TransCanada still hasn’t gotten the message that Keystone XL is a lost cause,” said Sierra Club Senior Attorney Doug Hayes. “We've held off construction of this dirty tar sands pipeline for a decade because it would be a bad deal for the American people, and today’s ruling is yet another reminder that it will never be built.”

Read the full Sierra Club press release here