Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

Our Mission: To discuss and explore the linkages between environmental quality and social justice, and to promote dialogue, increased understanding, and appropriate action.

Former Sierra Club president Aaron Mair speaks at a historic Mississippi March for Justice.

About Our Program

At the Sierra Club, we are diligently working to explore the integration of social justice and environmental concerns. Our program seeks to provide an effective framework for addressing the damage, risk, and discrimination facing so many communities today.

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Over a decade after Hurricane Katrina made landfall, the Gulf Coast still fights for the most basic of rights: to return home, breathe clean air, and drink clean water.
June 6, 2022

ARIZONA – Today the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) reaffirmed its April decision in a 3 to 2 vote, denying a rehearing for a certificate of environmental compatibility for Salt River Project's proposed expansion of the gas-fired…

June 2, 2022

ARIZONA – Sierra Club has filed a suit against Arizona utility Salt River Project (SRP) in the Superior Court of Arizona for violating Arizona's Public Records Act by withholding critical information about the utility's power generation and…

May 22, 2022

During its first meeting since adding five newly-elected members, the Sierra Club’s Board of Directors advanced a forward-thinking agenda of climate justice, environmental protection and social transformation this weekend – and passed a new policy…

10 de mayo de 2022

El Sierra Club aplaude la inversión del Servicio Nacional de Parques de $61 millones en cruciales parques y espacios verdes urbanos en 26 ciudades de todo el país.

May 5, 2022

The Sierra Club and Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of Texas joined local environmental group SaveRGV in suing the Texas General Land Office, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush, and Cameron County for closing Boca Chica Beach for SpaceX operations.…