Earth Month 2022 Social Media Toolkit

On Earth Day, we’re launching ten days of intersectional, people powered, national action; addressing this moment from every angle—political, cultural, social, and personal. We believe that all people are meant to thrive—that everyone deserves fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink, good jobs, access to the outdoors, clean and affordable transportation, and healthy communities no matter our race, age, identity, income, or zip code. Yet too often, these things are lacking—especially for BIPOC communities.

So for Earth Day and every day, our demand is nothing less than safer communities and a livable planet for everyone.

Take the first step with us: Join the Earth Week of Action on social by amplifying at least one of the posts you find below, and sharing your own #TogetherToThrive story.

The first 100 days of advocacy under the new Biden-Harris Administration and Congress have marked a change with numerous successes towards protecting people and our planet—offering significant promise for bold work toward a transformative and sustainable future. The Administration recently proposed trillions of dollars in new spending on good jobs, clean energy, infrastructure, our care economy, and more. If passed, this plan would be the largest investment the federal government has made to address social and economic crises in 50 years.

We should feel deeply proud of the power that our shared movement has to help shape this historic progress. And this progress is a floor—not a ceiling! The victories of the first 100 days have created the momentum, now we must capitalize on this to create a livable planet for all.

This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity.

In addition to the resources below, we invite you to answer a question with us. From panelists to grassroots activists, we’re answering one thing together throughout all of Earth Week:

  • What does creating a more livable planet for all to thrive in look like for your community, and what is your team / campaign / chapter / community group doing to turn that vision into a reality?
  • Post your answer on social media—with photos, videos or quotes—and include #TogetherToThrive to add your voice to the conversation.
  • Sign up and let us know you're participating!

For a general post, we encourage you to use the hashtag #TogetherToThrive to share what creating a more livable planet for all looks like for you, your family, and your community. If you want to post on a specific topic, we have talking points below.

Thursday, 4/22/2022 -- Day One

Financing Disaster in India: US Export-Import Bank & Coal Finance Overseas

Right click on the image below you want to share and save to download:

Event: Thursday, April 22, 2022, 12:30 P to 2 PM EST:
Hashtags: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Targets to Tag: @EximBankUS
Talking Points:

This Earth Month, I'm joining @SierraClub on Thursday, April 22, 2022, for an interactive event on what world leaders can learn from India and global grassroots calls for climate action. RSVP to join here:

Join me on Thursday, April 22, to learn about grassroots calls for climate action in Indian and how world leaders can respond to act. RSVP with @SierraClub here:

For Earth Month, will you join me in telling @EximBankUS to Cut ties with the deadly Sasan coal plant and its negligent operator? Speak up here:

Friday, 4/23/2022 -- Day Two

Resilient Communities

Right click on the image below you want to share and save to download:

Event: Friday, April 23, 4:00 - 4:45 PM EST: Environmentalism and Racial Justice: Instagram Live conversation and performance
Event: Friday, Apr 23, 2021 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Eastern) Facebook and YouTube Livestream: Building Community Resilience in the Face of Compounding Crisis:
Hashtags: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Talking Points:
I'm so excited to join Hop Hopkins, Director of Organizational Transformation for the @SierraClub, and Tony-nominated musician Joshua Henry for a conversation focused on the intersections between environmental and racial justice, along with a live performance Will you join me? RSVP here:

Together, we can work toward safer communities and a livable planet through people-powered action on climate from every angle possible--political, cultural, social, and personal. That's why I'm joining @SierraClub on Friday to learn how we can create a livable planet for all. RSVP here:

Saturday, 4/24/2022 -- Day Three

Energy Burden

Right click on the image below you want to share and save to download:

Hashtags: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Talking Points:
What is Energy Burden, and how is it an example of structural racism? For Earth Month, I'm joining @SierraClub to learn how focusing on Energy Burden can help both climate and justice outcomes. Check out this video on energy justice to learn more:

Acting to solve Energy Burden will help create a just and livable future for all by improving the health and comfort of people's homes, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and making strides toward racial justice. That's why I'm joining the @SierraClub to amplify this issue for Earth Month. Link coming soon

Sunday, 4/25/2022 Day Four

Clean Water

Graphic coming soon
Video: Coming soon
Hashtags: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Targets to Tag: @EPA (for action only)
Talking points:
Across the US, we're creating a toxic waste called phosphogypsum from strip-mining rock and mineral deposits, which is polluting drinking water across the country! That's why I'm joining @SierraClub this Earth Month in speaking out by urging the @EPA to protect our communities here -->

Clean, affordable drinking water is key to a healthy community and healthy environment. That's why I'm joining @SierraClub to amplify the voices of advocates fighting for healthy water across the country. Check out their stories here: Video coming soon

Monday, 4/26/2022 Day Five

Protecting 30X30

Right click on the image below you want to share and save to download:

Event: Monday, April 26, 12 pm to 1 pm EST:
Hashtags: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Panelists to tag: @misschrisyface @She_colorsnature @mayasideas @houdinisportswear
Talking Points:
On Monday, I'm joining @SierraClub, @misschrisyface, @She_colorsnature, @mayasideas & @houdinisportswear to learn to move beyond just being inspired by nature to becoming an everyday outdoors activist! Interested in joining? RSVP here:

Activism & advocacy doesn't just mean being at a protest or leading a rally; you can be an everyday activist making choices daily to help protect the planet, people, & places that you love. I'm joining @SierraClub Monday to learn more about being an outdoor activist. Sign up here:

The 21st Century Conservation Corps Act would invest in public lands management and growing a conservation workforce to stimulate the economy. Join me in urging your Congress Members to pass it:

Tuesday, 4/27/2022 Day Six


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Event: Tuesday, April 27, 6 pm to 6:45 pm EST:
Hashtags: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Talking Points:
I believe in building a democracy that works for everyone! That's why I'm joining on Tuesday for democracy trivia and updates on the top five priority issues facing democracy this year with Sierra Club Executive Director Mike Brune, Board President Ramon Cruz, and National Director of Policy Advocacy and Legal Leslie Fields. RSVP here:

I'm so excited for @SierraClub's Democracy Trivia on Tuesday event with Mike Brune, Ramon Cruz, Leslie Fields, and Special Guests!

We need democracy reform NOW! I told my senators to support the For the People Act. Can you do the same?

Wednesday, 4/28/2022 Day Seven

Clean Transportation

Right click on the image below you want to share and save to download:

Event: Wednesday, April 28, 2 pm to 3 pm EST:
Hashtags: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Talking points:
I'm so excited for @SierraClub's fun Earth Month chat on Wednesday with drivers who have discovered an electric vehicle that fits their lifestyle! You should join. RSVP here:

Decarbonizing our transportation sector is an essential piece of protecting our health and climate. That's why I'm tuning in on Wednesday to learn more about envisioning an electric vehicle future with @SierraClub. RSVP here to attend:

Thursday, 4/29/2022 Day Eight


Graphics coming soon
Event: Thursday, April 29, 7:30 PM ET:
Hashtags: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Talking Points:
This Thursday, I'm joining @SierraClub for an intergenerational panel and art build centered around the THRIVE Agenda for Earth Month. I'm excited to learn more about using art to envision the world we want to create. Want to join in? Sign up!

The Thrive Agenda is a historical, youth, and movement-centered opportunity for us to remake our economy and society so that it works for us! I'm joining @sierraClub to create art to amplify our call for climate, racial, and economic justice on Thursday! RSVP to join here:

For Earth Month, it's so essential we "Build Back Better" by incorporating the THRIVE Act, which centers on justice, in our economic recovery plans. Learn more here:

Friday, 4/30/2022 -- Day Nine

Dirty Fuels

Graphics coming soon
Video: Frack Cycle Video
Hashtags to include: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Talking Points:
This Earth Month, I'm joining the @SierraClub in speaking up to urge @POTUS to stop new oil and gas exports to protect public health and avert the worst impacts of climate change. Act here:

It's critical we protect people and the planet, this Earth Month and beyond, will you join me by Telling @POTUS to protect our planet and communities: Stop crude oil and fracked gas exports immediately. Speak up:

Saturday, 5/1/2022 Day Ten


Graphics to share from AFL-CIO
Hashtags to include: #LivablePlanet #TogetherToThrive
Talking Points:
Unions are an essential part of building back better! Our woefully outdated labor laws are no longer effective as a means for working people to have our voices heard. Join me in helping to ensuring the passage of the PRO Act: Link coming soon

Reintroducing the PRO Act, passing it in both chambers of Congress, and getting President Biden's signature will increase worker power, rebuild our economy fairly and grow America’s labor movement. Watch/learn more here: Link coming soon

In order to create a more livable planet for all to thrive, we must pass the PRO Act. The Pro Act is critical labor and civil rights legislation that will help close racial and gender wage gaps and ensure dignity and due process for workers of all backgrounds and industries. Get involved here: Link coming soon