Blocking Dirty Oil Infrastructure

In Setback for Enbridge, PUC Rules Line 3 Review is Inadequate

Whether it moves by pipeline, by rail, or by tanker, tar sands and other oil is polluting, highly combustible, and dangerous to communities and our climate. In order to avert the worst of the climate crisis and protect our communities from devastating explosions and oil spills, we must stop the industry from building any new oil infrastructure. After more than a decade of advocacy, legal challenges, and organizing in partnership with local communities along the pipeline route and across the country, we successfully blocked the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. Now we are continuing to apply those same tools to winning fights against other pipelines, oil train terminals, and oil export facilities across the country.

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October 1, 2021

Washington, D.C. — The EPA has announced the withdrawal of guidance from the Trump Administration that allowed states to create loopholes that permit industrial facilities, such as coal plants and oil refineries, to release unlimited amounts of dangerous air pollution during startup, showdown, and malfunction (SSM) events without facing legal consequences under the Clean Air Act. The announcement reinstates EPA’s 2015 policy prohibiting those loopholes and requiring 36 states to correct those illegal provisions.

September 29, 2021

Today, Canadian oil company Enbridge announced that tar sands oil will start flowing through the Line 3 pipeline this Friday.

September 27, 2021

Today the developers of the controversial PennEast pipeline project announced they were cancelling the project after being denied necessary water quality permits. PennEast Pipeline Co. LLC’s 116-mile pipeline would have shipped fracked Marcellus Shale gas from Northeast Pennsylvania, across the Delaware River to New Jersey, where it would likely be sold to be burned in foreign countries.

September 15, 2021

Today, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously in support of a measure to begin the process of phasing out oil drilling on unincorporated Los Angeles County land

September 14, 2021

Today, national and Pennsylvania-based environmental groups sent petitions urging the Pennsylvania Environmental Quality Board (EQB) to adopt full-cost bonding for conventional and unconventional oil and gas wells.

August 25, 2021

Richmond, VA -- Today, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VADEQ) issued a draft water quality certification for the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline under section 401 of the Clean Water Act. In March, the VADEQ asked the Army Corps of Engineers for a year to review and issue the draft water permit, and in June the Corps granted VADEQ only six months.

August 11, 2021

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency now says that Enbridge has had at least 27 spills of drilling fluid during the construction of the controversial Line 3 pipeline. Enbridge has polluted the water at 63% of their horizontal directional drilling (HDD) sites with drilling fluid containing numerous polluting chemicals, despite claiming that HDD is Enbridge the safest technology available.

July 14, 2021

Saint Paul, MN -- Groups filed a legal challenge with the Minnesota Supreme Court today appealing a lower court’s decision to uphold the Public Utilities Commission’s 2020 approval of Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline. 

July 12, 2021

Backers of the fracked gas Mountain Valley Pipeline announced a new scheme today to purchase carbon offsets to make up for the operational emissions of its first 10 years in service. These offsets would do nothing to address the climate impact of extracting or burning the fracked gas that MVP would transport.

June 29, 2021

Washington, DC -- Today the Supreme Court ruled that private companies can take state land for new fracked gas pipelines, which likely speeds the construction of a controversial project that threatens the Potomac River.