U.S.-Led Arctic Council Calls for Climate Action, Recognizes Paris Agreement

Contact: Cindy Carr

(202) 495-3034 | cindy.carr@sierraclub.org

-- Today, the Arctic Council, a coalition of eight countries, released a declaration that among other things, calls for climate action and notes the entry into force of the Paris Climate Accord. The United States has chaired the Council for the past two years, and now hands that role to Finland.

In response, Sierra Club Global Climate Policy Director John Coequyt released the following statement:

"Just five months ago, a standard, commonplace agreement like this to share climate science research and reiterate the importance of global action to reduce climate pollutants would have barely been newsworthy. These positions -- agreed to by a U.S.-led coalition of eight nations -- are supported by the vast majority of the American public and every nation on earth, making it clear just how inexcusable and disastrous it would be for the Trump administration to weaken our commitments or go so far as to pull out of the Paris Agreement in just a few weeks time."


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