Scott Pruitt Should Not Be Head of the EPA

Like all Americans, I count on the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure that my family’s water is safe to drink and our air is safe to breathe. That’s why I’m horrified that Donald Trump has nominated sworn enemy of the EPA, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, to be the agency’s top dog. This week the Sierra Club released two new videos, which you can see below, that paint a disturbing picture of just how unfit he is to serve as EPA Administrator.

Just this week we learned that Pruitt, thanks to his super PAC, could have continued to  accept  money from the fossil fuel industry even if he’s confirmed as EPA Administrator--Pruitt indicated he would shut down this super PAC after negative coverage in the press. Pruitt and his industry supporters haven’t stopped, though. Recently, yet another secretive special interest group  able to take unlimited and anonymous money from fossil fuel interests and others is raising serious money to ensure Pruitt’s confirmation.  We have also just learned that Pruitt’s office in Oklahoma has not followed a law requiring the reporting of outside attorney contracts.

That new revelation piles on top of so many reasons we already have to oppose Pruitt - he has long been a lead architect of relentless efforts to dismantle EPA standards that protect public health and ensure clean air and clean water. Today the Sierra Club released two ads about Pruitt’s record in Oklahoma that make it clear he cares more about the fossil fuel industry’s bottom line than public health, clean air and water, and climate action.

The first ad highlights the EPA’s vital roles and responsibilities in protecting American families every day, and contrasts these to the damage Pruitt has done as Oklahoma Attorney General.

The second ad examines the earthquake epidemic linked to fracking that has plagued Oklahomans, and exposes Pruitt’s failure to act on their behalf.

Time and time again, Scott Pruitt has stood up for polluters, and has left regular Americans harmed by pollution to fend for themselves as they suffer the losses of their health and property. The EPA must be guided by science to protect public health and the environment. If Pruitt is approved, the agency will bow to coal, oil, and gas industry demands that will poison our air and water, expose people to toxins, and threaten any work aimed at halting climate disruption.

Join us in opposing Pruitt’s nomination. Tell your senators to vote no on Pruitt - he is unfit to serve