100% Clean Energy Promises a Brighter Future for All Angelenos

We have a vision for Los Angeles. We imagine a city where every home, business, library, school, and movie set is powered by 100 percent clean energy. We want to do away with an energy system that ties us to the past, and replace it with one that moves us into the future. We want people to have energy choice, equal access to great green jobs, lower energy bills and a reliable grid that keeps the lights on with pollution free power. Yes, we envision a brighter future for all Angelenos.

That’s our vision. Our mission as a campaign is to bring people from every corner of the city together to demand a brighter future we all deserve. We all need to work together, because we know change doesn’t happen on its own.  

To help us carry out this work, we’ve entered a grant competition around how our vision would make L.A. the best place to live in 2050. Click HERE to vote for our plan to move the City of Angels to 100% clean energy.

Now, this vision certainly has its critics. Some say the city is too big to achieve such a goal, that the technology isn’t available to make it happen or that it will cost too much. We say these obstacles will be overcome by the innovative, forward thinking people that live here. A full transformation of our energy system -- one of the largest in the world -- won’t happen overnight. But if the last six years are any indication, L.A. is poised to make the commitment to transition to 100 percent clean energy and achieve it.

We’ve been building progress toward a clean energy overhaul of our grid for years. Through tireless activism from groups and individuals who share our vision-- from environmental groups to labor, to clean energy companies to workforce development organizations-- the City of Angels is marching toward a clean energy future. Along with partners and volunteers, we’ve pushed the City to rethink its outdated energy grid. In just six years, people in Los Angeles worked to revamp energy efficiency programs, built the largest urban solar program in the country, and committed to scrapping the use of coal. To win that progress, we talked with our neighbors, held rallies, mobilized residents to testify at utility meetings, organized forums, and more.

In September, Los Angeles took the next big step toward the future we envision by committing to study the pathway to 100 percent clean energy. Now the hard work really starts as Los Angeles Department of Water and Power plans how to make an equitable transition away from fossil fuels.  We hope to have a roadmap to 100 percent clean energy, and one that ensures that everyone shares in the benefits.  This is a major step toward achieving a clean energy future.

Our victories are worth celebrating but we still have a long way to go. In the coming months and years, our campaign will educate and mobilize Angelenos around our vision for a better Los Angeles. We know from experience that our march toward 100 percent clean energy will accelerate as more people become aware of cost savings, pollution reduction, grid resiliency, and job creation benefits, and are motivated to take action.

Los Angeles is constantly reinventing itself, and we believe that a Los Angeles powered entirely by clean energy would be its best self-reinvention yet. We need everyone if we are going to make this vision a reality.  Winning the “My LA2050 Grant Competition” we’re competing in means more resources to help organize Angelenos to make sure their voices are heard, and the DWP’s vision for 100 percent clean energy is a reflection of the entire city’s vision. Once again, I hope you’ll take some time to vote for our vision, then consider joining our campaign!

Last thing, don’t forget to share the video with your friends!  Below is a sample tweet that will help us get the word out!

Do you dream of a Los Angeles without dirty fuels? I know I do! Vote for @MyGenerationSC 100% #cleanenergy vision! sc.org/TheFutureisBright

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