We are looking for new volunteers!
Please let us know if you are interested to join in so we can get you meeting times and more information - Email Jamie Valdez or call 720-933-6363. These are some activities we need help with:
Climate Action - Share valuable information with local leaders on how climate impacts us and what can be done.
Renewable Energy - Be a leader in bringing renewable energy to Pueblo! Join our Ready for 100 team.
Clean Water - Join a creek cleanup, become a Water Sentinel and assist us with testing the water in Fountain Creek.
Outings - Become trained and certified as a Sierra Club Outings Leader and organize hikes and other activities to get our community outside!
Conservation Committee - Support our efforts at City Council, local Boards and Commissions on issues such as Climate, Energy, Water, Research, Lobbying.
Membership - Help us grow our membership in Southern Colorado!
Advocacy - Attend local meetings, participate in issues of interest to you, write letters, attend public hearings.
Social Events - Plan social events and get-togethers for our Group!
Communications - Contribute content and photos to the website, newsletter, and social media.
Fundraising - Plan fun, environment oriented events to bring in money for the club and work with individual donors.