Pueblo City Council Endorsements

The key to good decisions in government is electing good people who share our values so they can make those decisions.  The Sierra Club has endorsed four fine candidates for the four available Pueblo City Council seats (a majority).  We reached these decisions by evaluating their answers to our questionnaire on important issues, as well as their backgrounds and experience and our best judgement on their ability to mount a successful campaign.  The Club also recommends a “Yes” vote for Ballot Question 2A. 


In Council District 1, the Club recommends Tommy Farrell 

Tommy Farrell has a political science degree from CSU-Pueblo and currently works for a power line engineering company, gaining valuable knowledge and insights that will be very useful as the Council struggles with energy and utility issues.  He worked as an intern in both houses of the Colorado legislature.  He gained added valuable experience in leadership, in managing tight budgets and limited staff resources, and in building community relationships while working for the Boy Scouts of America. He supports the City’s commitment to 100% renewable energy and its decision to explore alternatives to Black Hills Energy for electric service, as well as clean water and better flood control in Fountain Creek


In Council District 3, the Club recommends Ed Brown  

Ed Brown is a retired firefighter and the incumbent in this district.  He is accessible and has generally supported environmental protection when these issues come before the Council.  He voted for the Council resolutions committing the City 100% renewable energy sources by 2035 and to exploring alternatives to Black Hills.  He supports strategies to reduce the city’s carbon footprint, including such measures as paper and cardboard recycling, hybrid and natural gas fueled vehicles, and rooftop solar. He will be an advocate for clean water and flood control in Fountain Creek, will actively support the development of a better waste management plan and will encourage the City/PEDCO to pursue businesses that promote sustainable energy.

For Council At Large, the Club recommends Dennis Flores  

Dennis Flores has an impressive record of community service.  He has served on a number of state and local boards and commissions, including 14 months on the City Council, filling a vacancy several years ago.  He has served on the Board of the Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control & Greenway District and supports clean water and better flood control on the creek.  As a member of the Board of Governors of the CSU system, he worked on solar projects, updating university HVAC systems, LEED® certified buildings, and renewable energy systems.  He favors the City's decision to study alternatives to Black Hills for electric service and supports the City’s goal of achieving 100% renewable energy by 2035. 


For Council At Large, the Club recommends Jason Muñoz 

Jason Muñoz is experienced in local electoral activities, having run for the state House of Representatives recently. He is a Pueblo native and a leader in the Pueblo Latino Democratic Forum.  He supports the City’s commitment to 100% renewable energy, as well as the City’s decision to look at other utility options to Black Hills Energy. He believes "Pueblo ratepayers deserve better than the status quo."  He is also concerned about the impact of pollution from Colorado Springs in Fountain Creek, and wants to work on developing green jobs in Pueblo based on solar, wind and hydroelectricity.  He supports an improved waste management plan for Pueblo and improved building codes to assure that solar options are available in new construction. 


The Club also recommends a “Yes” vote on Ballot Question 2A.

The Sierra Club believes in effective, transparent, and responsive government at every level.  We believe that an elected mayor, replacing the existing unelected City Manager, with duties, responsibilities, and limitations clearly defined, will help to improve the City’s performance in these critically important areas. 


The future depends on you.  Please VOTE.