Clone of American Climate Corps

The American Climate Corps is a huge step towards empowering a new generation of environmental stewards while making our communities more resilient to climate change and building a more fair, clean energy economy.

Apply at the White House application portal!


In September 2023, the White House announced the creation of the American Climate Corps. This new program offers young people the workforce training and services needed for careers in the clean energy and climate resilience fields. In April 2024, the White House launched its application portal and opened up the first few thousand positions.

This new Corps will:

  • Create a workforce training and service program to train over 20,000 young people in clean energy, conservation, and climate resilience, such as restoring coastal wetlands and deploying clean energy technologies;
  • Offer paid jobs that provide pathways to high-quality careers;
  • Coordinate across six federal agencies, including the Department of Interior, the Department of Energy, the Department of Labor, the Department of Agriculture, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and AmeriCorps, through a memorandum of understanding;
  • Include five states (Arizona, Maryland, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Utah) launching their own Climate Corps, which will work as implementing partners of the American Climate Corps.

One thing's for sure: This would not have been possible without the advocacy from hundreds of thousands of people signing petitions, sharing on social media, and marching for climate action. The Sierra Club and our broader movement have been calling on President Biden to create a green jobs program since his inauguration, and this victory is a testament to our collective work.

Why It Matters

Establishing an American Climate Corps is a big deal! It brings us closer to meeting our national climate and conservation goals while ensuring the next generation of leaders is at the forefront of solving our climate crisis. This program will dramatically expand the meaningful work that youth conservation corps have been doing for years – whether they’re planting trees to reduce the urban heat island effect, building living shorelines to mitigate the impact of hurricanes, fighting wildfires, or building trails. The American Climate Corps provides young leaders with green jobs and meaningful opportunities to transform the health of our planet, people, and economy.

How to Get Involved

Learn more about how to join the American Climate Corps by visiting the White House Climate Corps Page.

View the current open positions and apply by visiting the American Climate Corps application portal.

Corps Testimonials

Corps work can and has had an impact on the lives and career paths of young adults everywhere. Hear from some of them in their linked testimonials.

Jalanni Matthews is the Chicago Program Coordinator with the Student Conservation Association and has previous corps experience.

Sara Velez-Galindez is a Field Coordinator with BoriCorps.

Apriori Diaz is a member of the California Climate Action Corps.