June 22, 2020
Contact: Kathryn Phillips--916-893-8494 (mobile)
Sierra Club California Endorses the Schools & Communities First Initiative
We simply can’t afford corporate property tax loopholes at the expense of critical local services, essential workers and schools
SACRAMENTO -- Sierra Club California has endorsed the Schools & Communities First initiative.
This measure, scheduled to appear on the November ballot, will be key to California’s equitable recovery and reinvestment.
Schools & Communities First will reclaim $12 billion every year for essential workers, critical local services and schools by closing corporate property tax loopholes – all while protecting homeowners and renters, small businesses and agriculture. Additionally, the initiative provides substantial tax relief for small businesses by cutting the business personal property tax.
According to a recent analysis, 94% of the revenue would be generated by only 10% of commercial and industrial properties, illustrating the fact that only a fraction of top corporations benefit from these tax loopholes. In addition to PPIC polling showing a 7 point increase in support for the measure over the past six months, polling of the ballot language that voters will see in November showed 58% support from likely California voters.
Statement of Kathryn Phillips, Director of Sierra Club California:
“The original Proposition 13 has been a bad deal for California. It established an endless tug-of-war for resources to fund vital services. In this tug-of-war, necessary protections for the environment have gone without support.
“This new measure will return California to a fairer approach to property taxation. It will make sure that wealthy big businesses who benefit from their California location in so many ways pay their fair share.”
Sierra Club California is the legislative and regulatory advocacy arm of the 13 Sierra Club chapters in California, representing more than 500,000 members and supporters statewide.