Capitol Voice May 2024


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Building 30x30 Power in Sacramento

Meet the Staff of Sierra Club California - Part 2

Thank You for Attending Our Voluntary Agreements Workshop!

We’re Hiring an Associate Organizer

A New Survey on Accessibility and Smart Growth in America

Building 30x30 Power in Sacramento

By Mahtisa Djahangiri

staff and volunteers at Capitol for PIN Lobby Day

Sacramento was bustling with environmental advocates on Earth Day, with the Legislative swing space brimming, and multiple marches happening around the capitol’s streets. Amidst all of the excitement, our 30x30 team of staff and volunteers were there advocating with Power In Nature - a statewide coalition of over 100 community groups, environmental and conservation organizations, land trusts, indigenous organizations and tribal members - to advance California’s 30x30 commitment. 

The 30x30 initiative, a bold and ambitious vision, aims to conserve at least 30% of the planet's land and oceans by 2030. Spearheaded by environmental organizations and supported by policymakers globally, 30x30 asserts that to secure a liveable future on our planet we must protect and restore biodiversity; expand access to nature; and mitigate and build resilience to the climate crisis.

The second annual Advocacy Day organized by Power In Nature served as a beacon of hope, drawing attention to the urgent need for decisive action to safeguard nature under 30x30. Against the backdrop of the climate, biodiversity, and equity crises, coalition members urged legislators and staff to prioritize consistent 30x30 funding, an equitable climate bond, key legislation, and 30x30 projects. 

By advocating for an equitable climate bond for the 2024 Ballot, we helped represent the 160 organizations across the state who have signed on to support this initiative. The bond would secure long-term funding essential for the state to meet its 30x30 goals, as well as underscore the importance of equitable and inclusive conservation strategies.

The coalition’s other legislative priorities for the year include preservation and restoration of wetlands, increasing coordination and cross-agency alignment on 30x30, advancing fish and wildlife connectivity, promoting equity and access to the outdoors, advancing ocean science, and supporting the designation of National Monuments. Sierra Club California and Power In Nature met with 34 legislative offices in total to educate members and staff on these important issues. 

At the heart of Power In Nature's lobbying efforts was a commitment to shaping a sustainable future for generations to come. With just 5.5 years left to reach 30x30, the grassroots momentum continues to build across California: a testament to the power of collective action, unwavering determination, and solidarity. To stay up to date and learn more about how you can take action on 30x30, click here!


Meet the Staff of Sierra Club California - Part 2

By Jason John

headshots of Molly, Geraldine, Destiny, Erin, Jakob, and Mahtisa

Following up on Part 1 of “Meet the Staff of Sierra Club California” in last month’s Letter from Sacramento, I’m excited to present part 2! The interview series features Q&A with the second half of our staff members.

Check out part 1 to learn more about our incredible team and all they do, and read below to find out about more of our dedicated staff who are working every day to protect California’s communities and environment!

What do you work on at Sierra Club California?

  • Erin: I advocate for protection of California's diverse and iconic ecosystems, species, public lands, and waters, including the San Francisco Bay Delta and the Salton Sea. 
  • Destiny: As the Digital Specialist, I work on our digital presence and strategy including social media, emails, alerts, text messages and website development to amplify and refine our messaging.
  • Geraldine: I work closely with our Chapter Treasurer in ensuring that SC CA adheres to the Club's financial regulations and policies. My work also entails preparing lobbying reports to the Secretary of State, and ballot measure/ campaign expenditures reports to the Fair Political Practices Commission. Moreover, I provide administrative support to the Director and the Board, and assist the Director in coordinating all fundraising activities, developing the annual fundraising plan and strategy, and maintaining the donor outreach database.
  • Jakob: I work on water issues in the Bay Area as they relate to our statewide water advocacy campaigns, including our work against Sites Reservoir, the Delta Tunnel, and Voluntary Agreements (VAs) for the Bay Delta. I also organize our In-District Lobbying program that facilitates meetings between Sierra Club volunteers and their legislators to advocate for our policy priorities.
  • Mahtisa: I am the Campaign Strategist for our Statewide 30x30 campaign. 30x30 is a global movement to protect and restore biodiversity; expand access to nature; and mitigate and build resilience to the climate crisis. I work with our volunteer co-leads to support and coordinate 30x30 projects within CA's 13 chapters. I also advocate to "stop the harms" which includes responsible energy siting policies, improved forest management, and other public lands policies that might undermine 30x30.
  • Molly: As Chapter Organizing Manager for Sierra Club CA, I join our fabulous water team in advocating for more sustainable and equitable water policies throughout the state. We mobilize our volunteers and members of the public to engage on these issues at local water districts as well as state agencies. Stopping the Delta Tunnel and Sites Reservoir are at the top of our priorities list. Sign up here if you want to get involved.

What is an outdoor activity or place that is on your bucket list?

  • Erin: I would love to hike the Tahoe Rim Trail one day!
  • Destiny: My bucket list outdoor activity is to snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef. Snorkeling is one of my favorite activities of all time, and I have seen the degradation of the coral reefs first-hand. I went to the Caribbean for the first time 7 years ago, and I went again this past year. The coral reefs were so depleted compared to my first time snorkeling, but fortunately they also had restoration projects underway. The Great Barrier Reef also has faced much loss, but they also have begun restoration projects. I hope to see a healthy Great Barrier Reef when I have the opportunity to go.
  • Geraldine: Exploring Red Rock Canyon and the Valley of Fire in Nevada! The mesmerizing appeal of spectacular rock formations lies in their natural beauty, geological significance, connection to nature, making them irresistible destinations for adventurers, nature lovers, and artists alike.
  • Jakob: I have so many! I've never been skiing so that's up there. I want to visit Rocky Mountain National Park, or any other place where I can see aspen groves in Colorado -- they look so pretty!
  • Mahtisa: I'd really like to do scuba diving trip to volunteer on a coral restoration project
  • Molly: I love traveling. I had the pleasure of going on my first Sierra Club international outing to Cambodia and Vietnam last year. I'm looking forward to exploring Alaska in August. Seeing the Northern Lights has always been at the top of my bucket list. 

What about the work at Sierra Club California are you most passionate about?

  • Erin: I've had the  opportunity to work on a wide variety of issues during the two years I've been at Sierra Club California and have enjoyed supporting volunteers and advocates that have been leading this work for years, if not decades. I love learning about new landscapes and ecosystems and the opportunity to join efforts to protect imperiled species like the Western Joshua Tree, fight against new harmful water projects in the Bay Delta, and advocate for new public lands.
  • Destiny: It is hard to pick just one issue amongst the many we work on, but I would say I am most passionate about transportation. I work from a justice lens, and connect many issues to mental health. I would never want anyone to feel trapped or stuck, and that is the current reality if you cannot afford a car, are not the proper age to drive, or face a disability that keeps you from driving. Equitable accessible transportation really opens up the world to people which is why I am passionate about it. Our current car and truck culture is not sustainable for people or the environment, and although the dream for affordable buses, trains, walkable communities, and bikeable towns can feel far at times; it also feels very achievable. I really love Sierra Club’s plan for a national train system that connects our National Parks. Making our country’s beauty much more accessible to the masses.
  • Geraldine: Protecting open spaces and wildlife habitats. I have a deep appreciation and love for the natural world, finding solace, inspiration, and fulfillment in spending time outdoors and experiencing the beauty of untouched landscapes. I recognize the importance of biodiversity and healthy habitats for the planet's overall well-being. Preservation of these areas will also help mitigate the impact of extreme weather events and protect human communities.
  • Jakob: Getting to collaborate with so many people whose advocacy is informed by their lived experience. Getting to facilitate conversations between people who have experienced environmental injustice and those in power is so impactful and educational.
  • Mahtisa: I am most passionate about uplifting and prioritizing equitable conservation practices, as well as making conservation more inclusive and representative of the communities hit the hardest by the climate crisis. I love that 30x30 is about more than just land conservation - it is about restoring our connections to nature, something that I deeply believe is critical for wellbeing and mental health.
  • Molly: Working on water issues for Sierra Club CA has been a source of great joy as well as frustration. We don't always win, but when we do, the success is that much sweeter. As someone who grew up kayaking on lakes, floating down rivers, and camping near the ocean, it's very important to me that these special places are protected and preserved for all to enjoy. I get excited when I think about current and future generations experiencing the same feelings of peace and connectedness that I feel when I'm outside enjoying nature.

What is your favorite comfort food to make at home?

  • Erin: Baked macaroni and cheese with lots of breadcrumbs on top. 
  • Destiny: My favorite comfort food is a dish my Mom has made every week since I was very young. It is a pasta dish with cooked tomatoes, zucchini, garlic, and then covered in a lot of cheese which makes it similar to veggie macaroni and cheese. I have had it all my life, I eat it every year on my birthday, and I still make it once or twice a month.
  • Geraldine: Every three weeks, I cook adobo, a savory stew usually pork or chicken marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, and lots of garlic. Jasmine rice topped with pork adobo is comfort food for me. Ask any Filipino, and most probably they have a secret personalized adobo recipe up their sleeve.
  • Jakob: Mac and cheese! That was my favorite dish growing up and I've been working to perfect a recipe. Boxed mac and cheese is still a fav, though, and that works fine in the meantime.
  • Mahtisa: Ghormeh Sabzi (a delicious Iranian stew!)
  • Molly: Tacos. Definitely not authentic. We're talking fried tortilla shells, lettuce, sour cream, and lots of cheese. I'm aware some might consider this to be a crime- and for that I am guilty as charged.


Thank You for Attending Our Voluntary Agreements Workshop!

By Molly Culton

bay delta

A big THANK YOU to our volunteers who showed up both in person and online to comment at the three-day Voluntary Agreements workshop at the State Water Board on 4/24-4/26: Christopher Kroll, Steven White, Heinrich Albert, Michael Ross, Barbara Wolke, Gail Sredanovic, Karen Jacques, Charming Evelyn, Ginny Madsen, Hannah Whyte, John Armstrong, Wesley Chuang, Rebecca Wu, Celia Gonzalez.

Thank you for speaking out to protect the Bay-Delta! We could not do this work without you. If you missed the workshop, you can check out our live tweet threads from day two and day three.

We’re Hiring an Associate Organizer (Again!)

By Michael Blenner

Capitol building

Sierra Club California is hiring an Associate Organizer (again)! Our previous Associate Organizer Jakob Evans was so skilled and talented that we’re excited to have him taking on a new role as Policy Strategist!

Are you or someone you know passionate about protecting Californian’s water rights and conserving our ecosystems? Do you want to help shape California’s water future, while working with a dynamic and motivated team of Sierra Club California staff and volunteers? Then this is the position for you!

The Associate Organizer will be responsible for recruiting, engaging, and motivating volunteers and supporters to engage with Sierra Club California’s water and legislative campaigns. They’ll be working directly with our staff and members to fight for equitable water policies at the local and state levels. This position plays a key role in supporting our robust and effective water campaigns to protect and restore aquatic ecosystems and advocate for water affordability and sustainability for California communities. This position will also help organize volunteers around the state to take action on our legislative campaigns! 

Successful candidates will have experience in community organizing and building coalitions. They must be strategic and creative thinkers capable of working on a team with diverse staff, coalition partners, and volunteer leaders.

If that sounds like you, apply here and please share with your networks! 

A New Survey on Accessibility and Smart Growth in America

By Katherine Garcia

person walking on pipeline

Help Smart Growth America connect with the disability community in your city. Please amplify their survey, which asks about the needs and challenges people with disabilities meet when walking and rolling in your community. This input will provide the research team with useful information to design better streets for everyone, including people with disabilities in our communities. Learn more here.


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