MS167 explores Ward Pound Ridge Reservation!

11/16/24:  We took about 50 kids from MS167 to Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. We gave an intro on Leave No Trace and the kids shared what they thought that meant. Then we broke into 4 groups and did hikes of around 3 miles on different routes, and all met for lunch at the picnic table area in the woods. Each group 2 2 adult leaders and 1-2 teacher or parent chaperones, with about 12-16 students per group. Then we all met for lunch together at the picnic table area in the woods. The kids had a nice break playing on the playground as well as volleyball and soccer. Then some kids participated in the scavenger hunt to find interesting things on the list in the woods, took photos, and text them to one of the teacher - the scavenger hunt teams were 2-4 students each accompanied by an adult volunteer, and they really got competitive with others teams and had fun searching for things in nature! Overall, the kids said they had so much fun!