Devastating Blow for Climate: Call Your Senators

In the biggest climate case in years, the Supreme Court’s six conservative justices made another devastating decision, eliminating the EPA’s most effective tool to limit carbon pollution from power plants and damaging our nation’s ability to tackle the climate crisis and protect our health. This decision is outrageous and dangerous.

In this case, named West Virginia v. EPA, coal executives and their far-right allies attacked the authority of EPA to establish carbon pollution limits for coal- and gas-burning power plants that reflected the widespread availability of renewable energy to replace fossil fuels. Despite our best efforts, with Sierra Club lawyers and other attorneys defending EPA’s authority, the Supreme Court's conservative majority sided with corporate polluters. This decision puts the profits of the powerful over the health of the people and significantly constrains the EPA's long standing authority and duty under the Clean Air Act to reduce climate-disrupting carbon pollution from existing power plants.

This means Congress has an even stronger imperative to act boldly—and fast. In a 50-50 Senate, with one party unwilling to tackle the climate crisis, the best tool Congress has is through the budget reconciliation process that only requires a simple majority of senators to pass legislation.

What You Can Do

  • If one or both of your senators are Democrats: Call your senator(s) now and urge them to pass strong investments in clean energy, climate justice, and job creation as soon as possible. Dial 855-980-2275 to be connected. (See script below for talking points.)
  • If you are only represented by Republican senators or live in the unrepresented District of Columbia, tweet at Senator Schumer to use his power as Majority Leader to finalize a bill and get it passed as soon as possible.

Script for your call:
Hi, my name is [NAME] and I live in [CITY/STATE]. With the Supreme Court's dangerous decision in West Virginia v. EPA that deals a major blow to the government's ability to tackle the climate crisis, Congress has all the more imperative to take bold climate action. I urge my Senator to use the reconciliation process to pass historic investments in clean energy and climate action that will create millions of good jobs and address systemic injustices. We have no more time to waste -- pass a climate justice bill now! Thank you.

This decision in West Virginia v. EPA is an unprecedented effort to hamstring EPA authority and could open the door to further attacks on the government's ability to protect our health and ensure clean air for all Americans regardless of zip code.

It also comes at a terrible time, when scientists tell us we have precious little time to dramatically ramp down carbon pollution and address the climate crisis head on. Communities across the country, and the globe—especially communities of color and the poorest among us -- are suffering from devastating wildfires, tropical storms, drought, and extreme heat -- all fueled by climate change brought on by our addiction to coal, oil, and fracked gas. As Justice Elena Kagan said in the dissent opinion "Whatever else this Court may know about, it does not have a clue about how to address climate change. And let’s say the obvious: The stakes here are high."

Extremist politicians beholden to the fossil fuel industry and their allies are fighting hard to reverse the progress we’ve made, trapping us in a warming world while corporate polluters get richer and the rest of us suffer.

It doesn't have to be this way. We are part of the vast majority of people in this country who want a livable climate and a more equitable clean energy future. The best way we can get there, and quickly, is through Congress passing bold investments in clean energy, public transit, electric vehicles, environmental justice and more. Negotiations on this bill have restarted in earnest in recent weeks, and the stakes are too high for them to fail now.

The next couple months, before August Recess, are our last best chance for every Democratic senator to band together and pass a budget reconciliation bill that centers climate and justice. All eyes are on the Senate—they must get it done! This latest news from the Supreme court makes this all the more urgent.

If you are only represented by Republican senators or live in the unrepresented District of Columbia, tweet at Senator Schumer to use his power as Majority Leader to finalize a bill and get it passed as soon as possible.

As we know, the Supreme Court also decided other high-profile cases in recent weeks. Most outrageously, the Court ruled against the majority of Americans and stripped people's right to an abortion by overturning Roe v. Wade. The Sierra Club supports every person’s right to self-determination over their reproductive health. We are committed to joining our allies to continue the fight to ensure reproductive justice for all.

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