EXHAUSTed: Toyota Losing Electrification Race as Automakers Charge Ahead

Toyota, the manufacturer of the landmark Prius hybrid, is still generally viewed as a leader in sustainability. 

But it's been 20 years since the introduction of the Prius. And Toyota is stuck in reverse. The automaker has stuck its head in the sand and is betting on a too-slow hybrid and hydrogen vehicle strategy that would allow it to continue to build hundreds of thousands of polluting vehicles.

A new Sierra Club report highlights Toyota’s lobbying in the US for weak federal fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas standards (informally known as “clean car standards”) and a slow global electrification strategy.


  • Doesn’t sell any battery electric cars in the US
  • Sided with Donald Trump in his illegal attacks on clean car standards
  • Lobbied for weak standards when President Biden took office

“Toyota keeps hoping that a shiny new coat of paint will distract everyone from their car wreck of a climate policy. From being among the loudest supporters of Donald Trump’s most significant attack on our clean air to now lobbying President Biden to delay the electric vehicle transition, Toyota is at best the laggard of the auto industry. 

This isn’t good business and it certainly isn’t good policy; this is merely a company incapable of thinking about our future or what may become of their own," said Katherine García, Acting Director of the Clean Transportation for All campaign 


Help spread the word about Toyota’s greenwashing by sharing this page on social media with the sample language below: 

  • NEW: Report highlights @Toyota’s lobbying in the US for weak #CleanerCars standards and a slow global electrification strategy = The automaker is still #StuckInReverse 
  • Isn’t it EXHAUSTing for @Toyota to keep delaying the #EV transition? We need all automakers committed to clean air and climate action! 
  • Shareholders and activists have been pressuring @Toyota to stop being a laggard in the global electrification race. Will the automaker listen? #StuckInReverse #CleanerCars