Clean Transportation Is a Critical Climate Solution

Right now, transportation is the biggest source of climate-disrupting emissions in the US, and a major source of air pollution, especially in low-income communities and communities of color. But Congress has the power to change that. 

Unfortunately, the bipartisan infrastructure bill introduced in the Senate this past week falls far short of the kind of investments needed in public transit, rail, and electric vehicle charging. The proposal only provides four percent of what is needed to replace all diesel school buses with clean electric vehicles and is insufficient to transform our transit systems. 

Clean transportation investments are an urgent imperative. Communities of color and low-income communities suffer disproportionately from vehicle pollution and the impacts of the climate crisis. Public transit systems offer a sustainable and efficient transportation option in highly populated and rural areas. And there is broad support -- a national poll shows 66 percent of voters would be disappointed if expansions to energy-efficient public transportation aren't included in the infrastructure bill.

We cannot debate, negotiate, or compromise with the climate crisis. We cannot settle for an infrastructure package that isn't going to reduce carbon emissions to a level that will allow our communities to thrive. Cleaning up our transportation system is a key climate solution -- one we can’t allow Congress to leave on the table. 

That's why we're demanding our senators and representatives follow the will of the people they serve by passing a big and bold infrastructure bill that tackles the scope of our overlapping crises. Such investments will have life-saving impacts for people across the country. Electrifying all public transit would prevent over 4,000 deaths from air pollution, cut 21 million metric tons of climate pollution, and create about one million good jobs. 

We are also asking Congress to:

  • Expand access to affordable, reliable, and clean public transit and rail.

  • Make electric vehicles more affordable -- replace gas cars and trucks with US-made, union-built, pollution-free vehicles.

  • Invest in bike lanes and electric car charging station infrastructure.

These transportation investments -- along with other infrastructure measures like tax credits for wind and solar energy, replacing 100 percent of lead pipes, retrofitting public housing, schools and hospitals, and much more -- would put us on a path for a more equitable clean energy future.

Tell your members of Congress to invest big in clean transportation in the infrastructure package -- as one element of a deal that prioritizes equity, creates jobs, and addresses the climate crisis. Don't forget to add a personal message!

Ready to Do More?

Join our Summer of Collective Action. Together, Sierra Club staff and volunteers (like you!) are organizing events across the country during August Recess to push Congress to invest in a future where we all can thrive.