States Deserve Right to Protect Residents From Pollution

The pressure is mounting against the Trump administration’s dangerous attack on the Clean Air Act and states’ authority to adopt stronger than federal clean car standards to protect the health of their residents. 

The last thing we should be doing during a pandemic of a respiratory disease is allow more air pollution from cars, but that is exactly what the Trump administration’s attacks would do. 

This week, 147 members of the House and Senate -- led by Senate Environment and Public Works Committee ranking member Tom Carper and House Energy & Commerce committee chair Frank Pallone -- joined in the legal fight against Donald Trump and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s attempts to roll back commonsense, life-saving policy.

These lawmakers, representing people across the country, are joining a coalition of environmental nonprofits, health organizations, consumer groups, governors, major companies, and some automakers (the ones on the right side of history -- here’s a reminder of which automakers are stuck in reverse). 

Maintaining state authority to protect communities from tailpipe pollution has strong support from mayors, governors, and attorneys general. And despite the federal attack, states like Nevada, Minnesota, and New Mexico continue to move forward with plans to become clean car states.

States know that the right way forward to protect their residents is to support policies that clean our air, protect public health, and fight climate change. That’s why states representing more than half of the nation’s population and nearly 60 percent of the US economy have joined the lawsuit against the Trump administration’s efforts to strip them of the rights granted to them under the Clean Air Act. 

We appreciate the congressional leaders who have shown up this week to show that they value the health and well-being of communities across the nation:


Alma Adams NC-12

Nanette Barragán CA-44

Karen Bass CA-37

Ami Bera CA-07

Donald Beyer VA-08

Earl Blumenauer OR-03

Lisa Blunt Rochester DE-AL

Suzanne Bonamici OR-01

Julia Brownley CA-26

G.K. Butterfield NC-01

Salud Carbajal CA-24

Tony Cárdenas CA-29

André Carson IN-07

Matt Cartwright PA-08

Sean Casten IL-06

Kathy Castor FL-14

Judy Chu CA-27

Gil Cisneros CA-39

Yvette Clarke NY-09

Emanuel Cleaver MO-05

Steve Cohen TN-09

Gerald Connolly VA-11

Jason Crow CO-06

Danny K. Davis IL-07

Peter DeFazio OR-04

Diana DeGette CO-01

Suzan DelBene WA-01

Val Demings FL-10

Mark DeSaulnier CA-11

Debbie Dingell MI-12

Lloyd Doggett TX-35

Mike Doyle PA-18

Eliot Engel NY-16

Anna Eshoo CA-18

Adriano Espaillat NY-13

Bill Foster IL-11

Ruben Gallego AZ-07

Jesús García IL-04

Mary Gay Scanlon PA-05

Jimmy Gomez CA-34

Raúl Grijalva AZ-03

Deb Haaland NM-01

Alcee Hastings FL-20

Jahana Hayes CT-05

Steven Horsford NV-04

Steny Hoyer MD-05

Jared Huffman CA-02

Pramila Jayapal WA-07

Eddie Bernice Johnson TX-30

Robin Kelly IL-02

Joseph Kennedy MA-04

Ro Khanna CA-17

Dan Kildee MI-05

Derek Kilmer WA-06

Annie Kuster NH-02

John Larson CT-01

Brenda Lawrence MI-14

Mike Levin CA-49

Andy Levin MI-09

Ted Lieu CA-33

Dave Loebsack IA-02

Zoe Lofgren CA-19

Alan Lowenthal CA-47

Ben Ray Luján NM-03

Tom Malinoswki NJ-07

Carolyn B. Maloney NY-12

Doris Matsui CA-06

Betty McCollum MN-04

Donald McEachin VA-04

Jim McGovern MA-02

Jerry McNerney CA-09

Grace Meng NY-06

Grace Napolitano CA-32

Joe Neguse CO-02

Donald Norcross NJ-01

Eleanor Holmes Norton DC-AL

Tom O'Halleran AZ-01

Frank Pallone NJ-06

Jimmy Panetta CA-20

Bill Pascrell NJ-09

Nancy Pelosi CA-12

Ed Perlmutter CO-07

Scott Peters CA-52

Chellie Pingree ME-01

Katie Porter CA-45

David Price NC-04

Mike Quigley IL-05

Jamie Raskin MD-08

Harley Rouda CA-48

Lucille Roybal-Allard CA-40

Raul Ruiz CA-36

Bobby Rush IL-01

Linda Sánchez CA-38

John P. Sarbanes MD-03

Jan Schakowsky IL-09

Brad Schneider IL-10

Kurt Schrader OR-05

Bobby Scott VA-03

José E. Serrano NY-15

Mikie Sherrill NJ-11

Adam Smith WA-09

Darren Soto FL-09

Abigail Spanberger VA-07

Jackie Speier CA-14

Mark Takano CA-41

Bennie Thompson MS-02

Dina Titus NV-01

Rashida Tlaib MI-13

Paul Tonko NY-20

Juan Vargas CA-51

Marc Veasey TX-33

Nydia Velázquez NY-07

Debbie Wasserman Schultz FL-23

Maxine Waters CA-43

Bonnie Watson Coleman NJ-12

Peter Welch VT-AL

Frederica Wilson FL-24

John Yarmuth KY-03




Michael Bennet (Colorado)

Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut)

Cory Booker (New Jersey)

Maria Cantwell (Washington)

Ben Cardin (Maryland)

Tom Carper (Delaware)

Bob Casey (Pennsylvania)

Chris Coons (Delaware)

Tammy Duckworth (Illinois)

Dick Durbin (Illinois)

Dianne Feinstein (California)

Kirsten Gillibrand (New York)

Kamala Harris (California)

Martin Heinrich (New Mexico)

Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota)

Bob Menendez (New Jersey)

Jeff Merkley (Oregon)

Jack Reed (Rhode Island)

Brian Schatz (Hawaii)

Charles Schumer (New York)

Jeanne Shaheen (New Hampshire)

Tina Smith (Minnesota)

Tom Udall (New Mexico)

Chris Van Hollen (Maryland)

Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts)

Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island)

Ron Wyden (Oregon)

Bernie Sanders (Vermont)

Ed Markey (Massachusetts)