Q+A with Brian Anderson, Sierra Club Outings

Sierra Club staff member and outings leader Brian Anderson will be leading the first fundraising-based Sierra Club outing to Summit County, Colorado this June. Participants will earn a spot on this exciting service and outdoor adventure trip by raising money for Sierra Club. Here, Brian tells us about his history with the outdoors and what he's looking forward to for the Stand Up and Give Back: Colorado trip. 

Tell us about your history with the outdoors.

Getting outdoors has been a part of my life for a long time. I grew up in Colorado where my dad said he wanted me and my brother to enjoy all that the state had to offer. Camping, rafting, skiing, and hiking were common for us. In high school, I began to broaden my adventures with the outdoor club at my school -- it is Colorado, so of course they have an outdoor club. That set me on a path. I went to college and got my degree in Outdoor Recreation.  

How did you get involved with Sierra Club Outings?

During college, I started guiding trips professionally, and that continued after college. I guided in Colorado, California, Hawaii, Minnesota, Florida, and back to Colorado in the three years after I graduated. It was awesome. My family wondered if I would ever get a “real job” and I would tell them that you cannot get any more real then the places I have seen. I did settle into whitewater raft guiding in Colorado summers and ski instruction in the winters for a good six years after that. I loved guiding but wanted to teach more. I got a job at Regis University leading their outdoor program and teaching students how to lead other students on outdoor trips. While there I was also a professor of rock climbing, ice climbing, and backpacking. After gaining my master’s degree there I wanted to be with an organization that had more focus on the outdoors and saving the places I enjoy and love. I found the Sierra Club online and saw they had a position in National Outings and have been here for two years now.

What’s your absolute favorite place you’ve ever visited?

Hawaii has a very special place in my heart. While living there I met great people and found amazing places that are still so vivid in my memory that it is like I visited them yesterday.  

What’s your number one can’t-live-without piece of outdoor gear?

My down sleeping bag. Being all warm and cozy in it while I can still see my breath is the best. 

Do you have a bucket list trip?

I do not have a bucket list, it implies that those trips are a far-off dream. I have a list with dates of when I am going on trips. When my kids are a bit older we are going to sail the coast of Chile. 

When building this trip, how did you decide where it should be?

I wanted to show off my home state. Summit County and the Colorado River are two areas that showcase the great beauty of Colorado. Plus, they are a lot of fun! 

How did you decide on activities?

I was looking for a good thrill that was just enough out of the ordinary. Stand-up paddleboarding is a fun time but river stand up paddleboarding is that next-level fun! I love boarding through this section of the Colorado River, it is beautiful and exhilarating all at the same time. 

Tell us more about our service partner for this trip, Friends of the Dillon Ranger District.

Friends Of the Dillion Ranger District (FDRD) is an amazing group of committed people making sure that national forest lands are not negatively impacted by the many people that love to visit Summit County, Colorado. They connect with volunteers to clean and maintain over 430 miles of trail in Summit County. Their mission is so well aligned with the Sierra Club's that I thought they would be great partners.  

What can participants expect to get out of this trip?

My hope is that participants get laughter, friends, sore muscles,  and a sense of accomplishment and appreciation.  

What are you most looking forward to?

Seeing participants be inspired by the trip. I want to know that this is the next step in their environmental activism journey. 

Colorado in June -- is it the best or is it the best?!

Long warm days and cool nights in the mountains has to be one of the best feelings in the world.  

To see the full itinerary and to register for this trip, click here.