Sedona Verde Valley Conservation Committee

To explore, enjoy and protect the wild places of the Earth; to practice and promote the responsible use of the Earth's ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.

Our Goals

  • Manage growth and prevent sprawl
  • Oppose environmentally harmful land exchanges
  • Restore natural quiet
  • Protect native vegetation and animal habitat
  • Preserve water resources
  • Encourage alternate transportation modes
  • Support pro-environment candidates for public office
  • Recruit more Sierra Club members



The Verde Valley is home to the Verde River (Yavapai: "Haka'he:la") which flows for 200 miles as one of the last remaining free-flowing perennial rivers in the State of Arizona. This life-giving water source creates abundant wildlife habitat with its surrounding riparian corridor, supporting nearly 20 threatened or endangered species including the Southwestern bald eagles, Southwestern Willow Flycatchers and the lowland leopard frog. Portions of the Verde River are designated as a National Wild and Scenic River.

The abundance of water and natural habitat is the reason that ancient indigenous cultures and those of us who live here today, value the connection with Nature that we feel in the Verde Valley. The Sedona-Verde Valley Sierra Club has played a lead role in the protection of the Verde Valley's natural environment, helping to coordinate constructive alternatives to ill conceived and destructive real estate development. Join us to help protect this unique treasure of Nature.


Brian Myers, Chair
Sedona Verde Valley Conservation Committee
Grand Canyon Chapter
Sierra Club