
Hiker peers out at the southeast horizon from Four PeaksSierra Club has been enticing people outdoors for more than a century, ever since founder John Muir discovered an essential truth while out hiking the high country: If you want people to go to bat for the environment, you've got to get them out into the wilderness. "If people in general could be got into the woods, even for once, to hear the trees speak for themselves, all difficulties in the way of forest preservation would vanish," he said back in 1901. That's always been our guiding principle, and it's resulted in excellent trips, year after year.

There's another thing, though, that sets our program apart: our volunteer outings leaders. Nobody pays them for their efforts. Rather, they do it out of a sheer love for the land.

Join us as we make friends and explore life-enriching interests!

Participation Guidelines

You don't need to be a Sierra Club member to attend, but all participants must sign a liability waiver to participate.

To go on an outing, contact the leader of that trip, or RSVP on our Meetup site, as a reservation is needed. It's recommended that you do so a week or more in advance so that the trip leader can make the necessary arrangements to accommodate the number of participants. Make sure the trip leader has a way to contact you quickly in case plans have to be changed.

Trip leaders may screen participants for the skills and equipment necessary for the particular type of outing being conducted.

Each hike is rated for degree of difficulty and risk by the leader as noted below:

  • “A” > 16 miles or > 3,000 ft. EC (elevation change)
  • "B” 8 – 16 miles and 1,500 – 3,000 ft. EC
  • "C” 3 – 8 miles, 500 – 1,500 ft. EC
  • "D” < 3 miles and 500 ft. EC
  • RT (Round Trip)
  • OW (One Way)


  • No firearms, radios, or pets unless specifically approved in advance by the leader.
  • All outings are non-smoking.

Sheet and Liability Waiver

The trip leader has absolute authority to question trip participants as to their equipment, conditioning, and experience before and during the trip. All participants on Sierra Club outings are required to sign a standard liability waver. If you would like to read the liability waver before you choose to participate in an outing, please go to http://www.sierraclub.org/outings/chapter/forms. Sierra Club liability covers leaders only. Each person is responsible for his or her own first aid equipment. If you are injured, notify the leader immediately. If you leave the trip, with or without the leader’s permission, you are considered to be on your own until you rejoin the group.

Transportation policy

Outings participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from the outing site.  Participants are highly encouraged to make carpool arrangements either prior to attending or at the meeting place (if different from the outing site). It is recommended that riders and drivers share fuel expense.


Donations are accepted from all participants at $1 (member) and $3 (nonmember). Money is collected by the leader and deposited with the group treasurer to help fund the group and local conservation issues. For more information, contact Jim Vaaler, our the Palo Verde Group Outings chair.