From little acorns great oaks grow

by Jennifer Gregg

The most common response to the question “Would you like to join the fundraising committee?” is “No thanks, that’s not my thing.” 

Take this short quiz to find out if you are, in fact, a fundraiser. Check all of the bullets that apply!

  • I enjoy going to events that are interesting, informative, and fun.
  • Even if I don’t have time to help organize an event, I might still go.
  • If I can’t attend a fundraising event, I feel comfortable telling other people about it.
  • I donate to organizations that I trust.
  • I trust the Angeles Chapter to protect our environment.
  • I go on hikes led by the Angeles Chapter.
  • I am a hike leader.
  • I know what to say when someone asks me, “What is the Sierra Club?”
  • I can’t help with fundraising, but I can donate!
  • I’d like to donate, but I’m not sure how much I can give.
  • I am not able to donate right now, but I might know someone who can.
  • I am new to the Sierra Club.
  • I have been a member of the Sierra Club for a while.
  • I have good handwriting.

Now that you’ve taken the quiz, add up the number of boxes that you checked. If you checked at least one box, guess what? Surprise! You are a fundraiser!

Whether you are the first person to raise their hand to help with a fundraiser or you’re someone who runs away as fast as you can when being asked for more money, believe it or not you are a very important part of sustaining our work.

Your membership in and of itself is the most influential means to inspire other people to donate or become members. Ben Jealous refers to this as us being “Audacious Hosts.” When you share with others what YOU appreciate the most about the Angeles Chapter, people hear you and want to feel the same way. Inviting someone to join you on a hike or accompany you to an event is one of the most effective ways to welcome new members and donors. 

Of course you are welcome to join the fundraising committee! We meet virtually for one hour on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. At these meetings, you can add your creative ideas, lend a helping hand, or learn how you can support events by simply sharing information with your Group or the Sections that you are part of. We are working hard to make the Fundraising Committee a fun extension of your membership as well as a truly meaningful way to support Angeles Chapter programs. If you are interested in attending a meeting, helping with an event, or sharing your ideas, please reach out to the Fundraising Committee Chairperson, Elizabeth Neat, at

For all that you do to support the Sierra Club, thank you.