Anti Federal Lands Militant Movement Gains Victory in August

by Jim Hines

Greetings Activists:

There is a growing movement across the West (including Alaska) of anti-federal lands militant groups (AKA the anti-federal lands militia movement) emboldened by the current political climate in Washington, D.C.

These home-grown terrorists deeply believe that the U.S. Government ownership of national parks, national monuments, national conservation areas, national wildlife refuges, and national forests is illegal.

In March 2016 Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UTah) said to me: "I do not represent the people of the state of Utah in Congress.  I represent the people of the territory of Utah, which is illegally occupied by the U.S. Government."  This was in reference to U.S. government ownership of national parks in Utah.  NOTE:  Congressman Chaffetz has recently resigned from Congress.

Sadly, on August 24th the President will take steps to fulfill the goal of these anti-federal lands militants and politicians by eliminating various national monuments across the western U.S.  Not only do these militants have the support of the President, but also of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, the person who heads the agency which oversees all of our national public lands, and who will outline for the President on August 24th what steps to take to eliminate national public lands.  YOUR national monuments.

Even though the public comment period is officially over, we are not letting our voices  remain silent.  We are contacting Secretary Zinke daily and letting him know that we want ALL of America's national monuments protected and NOT eliminated.  I hope you will join us in making your voice heard.

Contact for Secretary Zinke

Twitter:  @SecretaryZinke

Note:  Zinke told me that Twitter is the best way to communite with him. He said he reads every Tweet.

Phone:  (202) 208-7351  NOTE:  This number is the office of the Secretary of the Interior.

Thank you for being the positive light standing against the darkness which seeks to destroy our national monuments.


Jim HinesJim Hines, Team Leader, Sierra Club California/Nevada Wildlife Team