

05/27/11 - 05/30/11                              Fri-Mon                               NSTS

O:   Memorial Weekend at Mammoth:   Experience Mammoth uncrowded, relaxed, warm and sunny. Drive up Friday night for 3 days in the company of skiers who love the sun, snow and Sierras. Free heel (cross country) skiers, snow boarders, downhill skiers, mountain bikers and hikers welcome. Leave room in your luggage for the excellent sales. Enjoy in-town condo lodging, no chores, Sat & Sun dinners. Send 2 lrg SASE, H&W phone numbers, email addr, $140 check to NSTS to Co-Ldr: ELAINE IWAMOTO, Co-Ldr: TODD YUEN. 

These and other trips are listed on the Outings page of the Sierra Clubs Angeles Chapter Website.

How to sign-up:

Trip Reservations:

Most trips require sending the leader a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) so a trip information sheet can be mailed to you. Please include your name, address, work/home phone numbers, carpool interest, trip desired, and previous ski experience (if you are not known by the leader). Some trips require certain equipment and/or prepayment. Make checks payable to Nordic Ski Touring Section. 


Make reservation in advance with check(s) payable to Nordic Ski Touring Section. Unless otherwise stated, written cancellation may be made up to 32 days prior to the trip. After that, 90% is refundable only with suitable replacement.