About Us


Our Group's Bylaws

Hi, thanks for dropping by the Long Beach Group, Sierra Club Web site [note: to subscribe to web site updates, select this mail link , input your first and last names as indicated, and send].

Our outings program is a major part of what Sierra Club is all about. Exploring and enjoying nature is a healthy, happy way to live. There have been day hikes to Devils Canyon, Mount Lowe Railway, Santa Rosa Plateau, Josephine Peak and Red Rock Canyon. Both our traditional Joshua Tree and the Pinnacles Nat'l Monument car camps were great successes.  We've had a car camping class, participated in beach clean-ups, staffed tables at the Long Beach Aquarium and Kaleidescope for Earth Day

Our programs are simply great. Everything from "Solar Heating for Your Home" and "Clean Water" to "Red Rock Wilderness", "Zimbabwe", Indonesia" and "Birds of Sierra Nevada". Why not attend one of our meetings?

Interested in learning more about the Sierra Club?  Consider attending one of our monthly meetings, or one of the Angeles Chapter's New Member's Meetings.

Executive Committee:

Group Chair: Gabrielle Weeks
Vice Chair: Jerard Wright
Secretary/Treasurer: Jerard Wright
At-Large: Jaime Guoz, Juan Ovalle, Matt Merritt, Sean Forbes, Elizabeth Castillo
Representative to the Chapter Ex Com: Gabrielle Weeks

Standing Committee Chairs:

Conservation: Gabrielle Weeks
Outings: Volunteer Needed
Membership: Ian Patton
Political: Gabrielle Weeks
Fundraising: Joanne Morris
Tidelines Editor: Sharon Moore
Publicity: Volunteer Needed
Web: Volunteer Needed

Get Involved with the Sierra Club!

Your local Sierra Club is looking for volunteers. Volunteering with us is fun and rewarding, and we have opportunities to match every level of interest.

One of the easiest ways to help out is to help us greet new members at our monthly meetings. We meet just about every 1st Wednesday of the month with an interesting presentation on a different topic; just helping make sure our new members have signed in is a great way to make everyone feel welcome.

We also need volunteers that have an interest or expertise in specific conservation areas. Would you like to help raise awareness locally on behalf of the Sierra Club about the significant impact our food choice have on the environment? Maybe your focus is transportation? You can help us track and get involved in key issues related to mass transit, bicycling, and other transportation issues.

If you want to do more to help the Sierra Club explore, enjoy and protect the planet, contact Gabrielle Weeks, our volunteer chair, at gweeks@angeles.sierraclub.org.