How to Become an Outings Leader

We Always Need New Leaders!

After you've been hiking for a while and have become familiar with some of the trails, you may feel eager to share your enjoyment of the outdoors with others as a Sierra Club Outings Leader. The Leadership Training Committee can give you the preparation you need for certification by the Angeles Chapter Safety Committee as a qualified leader of safe, enjoyable outings.

What Are The Qualities Needed For Leadership?

Judgment, inspiration, awareness, and current membership in the Sierra Club are the most important qualities in a leader. Fitness, gender, height, hair color, sexual orientation, income, and educational level do not matter.

Why Be A Sierra Club Leader?

"One GLS leader was recently heard to extol the benefits of leading trips: 'You can go where you want, with whom you want, at the pace you want.' Another once told me she was gaining leadership skills and confidence that applied to her professional life. Others have felt fulfillment from sharing the wilderness experience with others. Beyond the personal benefits of leading there are many benefits that leadership brings to others. Without leaders many people are too shy to venture into the forests or onto the mountains. Without leaders no one would know when to show up for a group activity, or where to park. Without leaders there would be no outings." -- Will McWhinney, Outings Committee Chair
The Leadership Training Program (LTP) is conducted by the Leadership Training Committee (LTC) and provides trainees with the attitude, knowledge and skill essential to sound leadership of Angeles Chapter outings. The LTP prepares graduates for certification at one of four categories, or levels, which are designated "0", "I", "M" and "E". See the introduction for description of these categories.
Requirements for becoming a leader at the basic "O" level are:
  • Current Sierra Club membership
  • Participation on five Sierra Club trips/hikes
  • Passing an open book pre-seminar exam from the Leader Reference Book (LRB)
  • Attendance at an all day LTP seminar
  • Completion of first aid and CPR training. You can take these courses through various approved vendors including the American Red Cross.
  • Satisfactory completion of a provisional outing
To find the date of the next Leadership Training Program seminar, please visit the Angeles Chapter's events page, and under "Search Options", filter the list by Sponsoring Entity for "Angeles Ch Leadership Training".

Enrollment Information:

Please visit the Leadership Training Committee website for more information on how to register. The Leadership Reference Book (LRB) is available as a download from the same website. The fee for the LTP is $25, which includes the all day seminar and a leader recognition patch with a certificate. The Registrar must receive the completed application at least two weeks prior to the seminar. The seminar is held twice a year on a Saturday in the spring and fall. A Leadership Reference Book (LRB), pre-seminar exam, and other information will be mailed at least 10 days prior to the seminar. Note: Upon becoming a leader for the 20s & 30s Section, and leading your first event past your provisional, we will reimburse your training course fee and any first aid training fee.