Anti Forever Wild Bill Fails on Tuesday, Resurrected Thursday and Fails Again!
March 2, 2018
On Tuesday, HB 362, the anti-Forever Wild bill, was defeated in the House. We all breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the attempts to tax Alabama’s public lands were done once and for all this session. Unfortunately, like something right out...
The Alabama Water Conservation & Security Act (HB416)
March 2, 2018
At this time, our partners at Alabama Rivers Alliance are focusing this action on the members of the House Agriculture Committee. If one of these committee members is your House member, please call or write them THIS WEEK and tell them to support...
Sea Ice in the Arctic at Lowest; Temperatures at Highest
February 27, 2018
On February 19-20, the northern most weather station on Earth, Cape Morris Jesup, Greenland, experienced temperatures above freezing (about 45 degrees above normal) for over 24 hours. Around then and far to the west, the extent of the sea ice...
February 2018 Outings and Events
February 5, 2018
Outings and events across Alabama from the North Alabama Group to the Mobile Bay Group and everything in between. Don't miss out on an opportunity to learn more about Alabama! Explore!
Forever Wild Under Attack AGAIN!
February 3, 2018
With the introduction of House Bill 362, our state's public lands are at once again at risk. Ask the House State Government Committee to vote NO on HB 362.
Coosa Riverkeeper 2017: Year at a Glance
February 3, 2018
The Alabama Chapter of the Sierra Club supports important environmental groups throughout the year. Once such group, Coosa Riverkeeper, along with all the other RiverKeepers in Alabama, continues to make our water safer!
Alabama Water Rally 2018
February 3, 2018
Alabama Water Rally 2018 will return to our state’s capitol of Montgomery March 16-18. Water Rally is THE premiere educational, networking and celebratory event for all Alabamians interested in advocating for Clean Water and in the protection of all...
Black Warrior Waterdog Gains Endangered Species Act Protection
February 3, 2018
The Black Warrior waterdog, a large aquatic salamander found only in the Black Warrior River Basin in Alabama, is now a federally protected species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) listed the salamander as an endangered species under...
Do you know a true RIVER HERO in Alabama?
February 2, 2018
Do you know a true RIVER HERO in Alabama? The River Hero Award is presented annually from the Alabama Rivers Alliance and is a lifetime achievement award given to passionate individuals who dedicate a significant amount of their lives to protecting...
Threatened and Endangered Mollusk Survey in the Little Cahaba River
February 2, 2018
The upper Cahaba and Little Cahaba rivers in Jefferson, Shelby and St. Clair counties in central Alabama support a diverse freshwater community that includes populations of at least two federally listed mussels, more than 25 native fishes and a...