Public Comments on the Proposed Upper Mobile Bay Wetland Creation Project

Fellow Sierra Club Supporters,

You might not be aware of the Alabama State Port Authority’s proposal to move forward with the 1,200-acre dredged material disposal island. Attached is the Sierra Club Alabama Chapter comment letter that was sent to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding our opposition to this project.

In December, Sierra Club Mobile Bay Group asked the Corps for an extension of the public comment period, which was January 3, 2022, and we recently received the announcement for an Extended Public Notice Period!!! Public Comments on the Proposed Upper Mobile Bay Wetland Creation Project are now due by February 3, 2022.

Alabama Chapter hopes you would also like to comment on the proposal, since the proposed island would be built in an area used by individual and commercial crabbers and net fishermen, and because of major environmental concerns. Sierra Club is asking for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), before this project moves further forward!!

Wishing you a Happy and Sustainable New Year!

Carol Adams-Davis, Conservation Chair
Sierra Club Alabama Chapter Executive Committee

Download the letter sent by Alabama Chapter Chair Joi Travis.

More information for submitting your comment:

CESAM RD-A January 3, 2021, Notice of Extension

NOTICE OF COMMENT PERIOD EXTENSION: The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) published on December 2, 2021 the attached public notice titled “REQUEST TO DISCHARGE FILL MATERIAL IN MOBILE BAY TO CREATE 1,200 ACRES OF WETLAND HABITAT IN MOBILE, MOBILE COUNTY, ALABAMA.” The purpose of the public notice was to solicit comments from the interested parties in order to assist in developing facts on which a decision by the USACE can be based. Any comments received will be considered by the USACE to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. Comments, both favorable and unfavorable, will be accepted, made a part of the record, and receive full consideration in our evaluation of the proposed work. The public comment period on this proposal has been extended until February 3, 2022. All aspects of the proposal, as described in the original public notice, remain unchanged and may be referenced in the attached public notice or on the web at:

CLOSE OF COMMENT PERIOD: All comments must reach this office on or before the close of the extended comment period listed above. Correspondence concerning this notice should refer to Public Notice Number SAM-2021-00246-DCH, and should be directed to the USACE project manager, Mr. Dylan C. Hendrix, by e-mail at, or (251) 694-3772, or by mail at USACE, Mobile District, Regulatory Division, Attention: Mr. Dylan C. Hendrix, Post Office Box 2288, Mobile, Alabama 36628-0001. Copies of all comments should be furnished to the Alabama Department of Environmental Management at, or sent to: Alabama Department of Environmental Management, Mobile Branch / Coastal Section, 3664 Dauphin Street, Suite B, Mobile, Alabama 36608.