An Update from Your Chair, Casie Jones

We are Advocacy.

Public health. Community. Society. Social Justice. Economy. Ecology. Environment. Globally, advocates and all are considering these elements of life with new perspectives.

During a reflective conference call in March, the Chapter’s Executive Committee members discussed the need to share a sincere message with its members during this era affected by the COVID-19 crisis. They respectfully agreed that our advocacy needs and actions have not been replaced, instead they have been amplified and dignified. Executive Committee member, Roger Tanner, retired atmospheric chemist with special expertise in airborne particulate matter, explains the need for protected environment and communities during this time:

“Whether it's issues of air, water or solid waste, but especially air, there are health effects which have been addressed through regulations to control specific pollutants, and many of the air pollutant effects (asthma comes immediately to mind) involve compromising human respiratory systems.  Hence, maintaining these regulatory controls actually helps to mediate the effects of respiratory viruses such as corona. Similar reasoning suggests that maintaining our efforts to bring more clean energy sources on line actually helps, not impedes efforts to control pandemics such as we are now suffering from. 

Directly related to these regulatory considerations is our pursuit of environmental justice, since we know that people areas of economic need often are exposed to greater amounts of pollution and suffer more health effects from that exposure.”

Sierra Club, Alabama Chapter is well known for its dedication to advocacy for environmental awareness and protection throughout the state. Although we may not be able to physically gather together in our pursuits as we practice “social distancing,” we find even a greater need to apply “social connectivity.” We can socially connect on these issues by gaining information and perspective on these issues while sharing our thoughts with others. Here are some resources on our issues that can spark virtual conversation and action while preparing us for our future.

Access to Clean Energy
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day online:

Coastal Conservation
Watch a live stream of “10 Years Surviving the BP Oil Spill”:

Environmental Education
Find indoor and backyard nature activities for families from Project Learning Tree:

Participate in a virtual film festival:

Environmental Justice
Take virtual action in crisis justice:

Watch a Southern Exposure Film:

Access to Outdoor Recreation
Be practical about recreating outside & stay home as needed:

Public Lands
Watch a Southern Exposure Film:

Rivers and Waterways
Join Alabama Rivers Alliance for a Film Friday and other online events:

Sustainable Agriculture
Read an article by ExCom member Peggie Griffin below!

Take up a new hobby-gardening:

Wildlife Protection
Watch a Southern Exposure Film:

“Who is Sierra Club, Alabama Chapter?”

We are Education.
We are Advocacy.
We are Outings.
We are Civic Engagement.

We are protecting our environment so that we may continue to explore and enjoy to its greatest extent, for ourselves and future generations.

We are Sierra Club, Alabama Chapter.