An Update from Your Chair: Year 2020: A Beacon in the Midst of the Fog

Shoals to the Shores: An Update from Your Chair, Casie Jones

Who is Sierra Club, Alabama Chapter?

Year 2020 calls for vision. Clarity can be difficult in the midst of social and political fog that covers our nation, but there are glimpses of hope that the clouds will break. We should absorb those things that give us motivation to protect and sustain our environment and our mission to Explore, Enjoy, and Protect it.

We should have hope in diversity because diverse voices give us breadth. We should have hope in youth because young voices gives us depth. Rachel Carson once said, “like the resource it seeks to protect, wildlife conservation must be dynamic, changing as conditions change, seeking always to become more effective.” This is true for the state of environmentalism-we must be dynamic, evolving and always seeking ways to be most effective.

Our youthful generations are creative communicators and ardent problem-solvers. For them, there is less of “what we can’t do” and more of “what we can do”. They are surrounded by opportunities and they will benefit from the direction that we encourage. Let us cultivate knowledge and passion in these individuals so that their voices are informed and supported in protecting our environment. Furthermore, maintaining cultural diversity in our efforts allows for a holistic approach to environmentalism. The more representatives from more communities we support and engage, the greater knowledge we have of needs and the stronger voice we have. 

What it takes to succeed will include honest conversations, sharing of knowledge, gathering of voices, and movement to action. We have a need before us to cultivate leaders. Activation of those leaders will stem from the investment that we put into these groups. Sierra Club, Alabama Chapter, the fog is clearing.

Today we need to stop and ask ourselves-“who is Sierra Club, Alabama Chapter?”

We are Education.

We are Advocacy.

We are Outings.

We are Civic Engagement.

We are protecting our environment so that we may continue to explore and enjoy to its greatest extent, for ourselves and future generations.

We are Sierra Club, Alabama Chapter.

We welcome our elected Executive Committee Officers and Members for the year 2020 and look forward to a year that brings light to our future.

Sierra Club Excom 2020

  • Chair-Casie Jones (West Alabama)
  • Vice Chair- Joi Travis (Cahaba)
  • Secretary- Marley Davis (Cahaba)
  • Treasurer-Charlie Cohen (North Alabama)

Executive Committee & Group Delegates:

Sierrra Executive Committee and Group Delegates 2020

  • Carol Adams-Davis (Mobile Bay)
  • Ida Gleaton (West Alabama)
  • Peggie Griffin (Coosa)
  • Bob Hastings (Montgomery)
  • Zach Heard (West Alabama)
  • Steve Jackson (North Alabama)
  • Nancy Muse (North Alabama)
  • Laura Quattrochi (Cahaba)
  • John Santamour (Cahaba/Coosa)
  • Roger Tanner (North Alabama)