Featured Sierran, Alabama Sierra Club

Featured Sierran.Frannie Koe, MD
Alabama Sierra Group: Coosa Valley (Gadsden area)

What are your specific environmental interests?
I am interested currently in reclaiming the land I live on and making it much healthier than when I got here.

How are you helping Alabama explore, enjoy, and protect the environment?
I have been attempting to live off the grid for 13 years. I also work through my medical practice to teach people to buy organically, locally grown food. I attempt to teach people how to eat healthier and grow their own food. I am working toward making my farm a teaching farm. I also have a website that is free to help with the education and  dissemination of food, farming and health.

What is one of your favorite memories associated with the Sierra Club?
I love the monthly meetings as they have great speakers and I learn a lot about Alabama and what we need to work toward to improve our environment.

What is one action you would like to see more of from the Sierra Club Alabama Chapter?
I would like to see more cohesive action and learning how to do this at a state level.