Featured Sierran, Alabama Sierra Club

Joi Travis photoName: Joi L. Travis, Esquire

Alabama Sierra Group: Cahaba

What are your specific environmental interests?

I am interested in air and land pollution, urban sprawl and waste disposal.

How are you helping Alabama explore, enjoy, and protect the environment?

I am helping to connect people who have the expertise and resources to advocate for the preservation of the outdoors with people who love the outdoors and don’t know how to advocate. I believe making the connection is the most important part of coming together to have a strong voice against environmental protection issues.

What is one of your favorite memories associated with the Sierra Club?

My favorite memory associated with the Sierra Club is attending my first ExCom meeting and being around people who were so passionate about preserving our environment and promoting the organization. I also enjoyed the opportunity to travel to an area in the State that I haven’t ever visited to see the beauty of the landscape in this area.

What is one action you would like to see more of from the Sierra Club Alabama Chapter?

I would like to see more community engagement in predominately Hispanic and African American communities from our chapters.  We should have more opportunities to engage and empower about the environmental protection issues we all face. I want our groups to become more diverse.