Featured Sierran, Alabama Sierra Club

Joe Watts

Name: Joe Watts

Alabama Sierra Group: Cahaba Group

What are your specific environmental interests?

From clean air to clean water to the wildlife and land preservation, I feel like I have pretty broad interests in the conservation and protection of our natural resources. I grew up on a farm in rural, Southwest Alabama with a mother who loved the land. We spent most of our time outside, exploring, digging, and reading books. I never went to Six Flags as a child, but I did go to almost all of our state parks. We camped, we canoed, we hiked. Mostly, we reveled in nature. I’m proud to carry on the tradition of loving Alabama’s natural resources that my mother instilled in me.

How are you helping Alabama explore, enjoy, and protect the environment?

I work to promote the ecological heritage Alabama has to offer, particularly as it relates to our bird life. Alabama has over 400 species of birds documented here and people are willing to travel far and wide to see birds. Those birds need wild lands to feed and breed, clean air to breathe and clean water to drink and hunt in. I’ve been working on a partnership with the Alabama Tourism Department, the University of Alabama Center for Economic Development and the Alabama Department of Natural Resources for 10 years now, promoting and developing the Alabama Birding Trails program, a series of 280 sites along 8 trails to help people find the best public places to watch birds in Alabama. I’ve also been active with the Sierra Club since around 1997 and just finished my presidency of Birmingham Audubon. I’ve just begun my first 3 year term as a board member of the National Audubon Society. (picture above taken in Yellowstone National Park after an Audubon board meeting discussing Greater Sage Grouse)

What is one of your favorite memories associated with the Sierra Club?

Honestly, one of my favorite memories of the Sierra Club is how I became a member and why those little things matter. I was purchasing a backpack at Alabama Outdoors—then a much smaller store than now. I was getting ready to go to Colorado after grad school and had very little money to spend on anything. The person who helped me with the pack suggested I become a member of the Sierra Club—as it entitled me to a 10% discount on the pack. I saved money AND became a member of a cool organization. I’ve been a member ever since 1994. That little prod from someone selling me a backpack—all to save a few dollars—led me to become a member for 25 years and to volunteer and work hard for the club for much of that time.

What is one action you would like to see more of from the Sierra Club Alabama Chapter?

I would like us to take a proactive role in making things happen locally and statewide. Recognizing that we are a green organization in a deep red state, I’d like to see us work on something that can cross lines and impact more people. Solar power could be so much more of an impact on Alabama if Alabama Power didn’t charge such a steep connection fee. Creating new green jobs, giving people an opportunity to choose solar power without unfairly charging them and stopping government corruption would be a great start!