Featured Sierran, Alabama Sierra Club

Name: Laura Quattrochi
Alabama Sierra Group: Cahaba Group/ Executive Committee/ Beyond Coal

What are your specific environmental interests?
My specific environmental interests are recycling education, waste management, environmental justice and cooperative-based work.

How are you helping Alabama explore, enjoy, and protect the environment?
I’m helping Alabama explore, enjoy, and protect the environment by creating hands-on interactive classes through my nonprofits’ (Alabama Environmental Council) brand new Master Conservationist Program. The pilot program is launching this August, and will have opportunities for folks to become a Master at conservation-based activities! To learn more, please email programs@aeconline.org or keep an eye on our website at aeconline.org

What is one of your favorite memories associated with the Sierra Club?
One of my favorite memories associated with the Sierra Club is when I was asked by Stephen Stetson to represent Beyond Coal last year by lobbying with the Alliance for Appalachia in Washington D.C. for the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund and the RECLAIM Act. We met with State Senators and addressed the importance of both issues. During my time up there, I had the opportunity to chat with United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), who were also Lobbying for their rights at the nation’s Capitol.

What is one action you would like to see more of from the Sierra Club Alabama Chapter?
I would like to see more unity and progressive leadership from the Sierra Club Alabama Chapter. I would also like to see more young folks get involved with the Sierra Club (even if it is just attending a meeting every once in awhile at their local groups). I believe that we are headed in the right direction.