2019 National Sierra Club Elections

The 2019 election for the Sierra Club national Board of Directors will be held on April 24, 2019.  

There are a total of eight candidates for five open seats. Ballots will be mailed, either electronically or via postal mail, to members in early March. Click here to request an electronic ballot. If you sign up for electronic delivery of Ballot Materials after February 1 of any year, you will not receive the documents electronically for that year’s election. Instead, you will receive a hard copy of the Ballot Materials for that year’s election, and electronic materials for subsequent elections for which you are eligible to vote.

2019 Election Forum

Candidates were asked ten questions to give voters more information about relevant issues. You can view the responses of all candidates to a question by clicking on the individual questions below.

1: The mission of the Sierra Club is “to explore, enjoy and protect the planet;  to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out those objectives.” What strategies would you use to inspire, respect, and unite both long-term and new Club members to support this mission? Read the answers.

2: Volunteers are a vital part of the Club. Traditionally non-Board of Director volunteers have been closely involved in the national decision-making process for the Club. How would you enhance volunteer participation and ensure that they continue to play an active role in the governance of the Club? What would you do to ensure that chapter volunteer leaders are involved in the formulation of the Club’s National priorities or policies? Read the answers.

3: The function of boards is to provide high-level oversight to organizations. What unique skills or experiences do you bring that will help you fulfill this role? If elected a Sierra Club Director, what skills or knowledge base do you personally need to work on to better serve the Sierra Club? Read the answers.

4: Raising revenue, specifically unrestricted revenue, is an ongoing challenge for the Sierra Club. Many programs have been eliminated or cut back because of this limitation or restrictions placed on funds received, even though the Club’s annual budget is now $142 million. How will you assist in fundraising? What experience do you have in fundraising either for your chapter or other entities? Read the answers.

5: The Sierra Club is actively engaging in a broader societal movement towards equity, inclusion and justice (embracing members of all ages, races, sexual orientations, genders, views, religions and different identities). What do you see as the challenges to achieving our Equity, Inclusion, and Justice goals? How do you propose we overcome those challenges? Read the answers.

6: One of the significant ways the Sierra Club accomplishes its mission is through its involvement in politics. As you know, in much of the country it is difficult to elect environmentally friendly lawmakers, pass good laws, and stop bad ones. What strategies will you employ to build bridges in these less progressive regions? How do you see the Club winning in these areas? Read the answers.

7: Climate change, environmental pollution and limited access to resources are among some of the most serious issues humanity is facing. Economically impoverished and systemically disenfranchised people already are experiencing adverse effects of those issues or are projected to be affected by them in the near future. How can Sierra Club help to build more resilient communities in response to these threats? What relationships does the Club need to nurture in order to be effective in advocating for environmental justice? Read the answers.


8: One of the Club’s most unique and powerful assets is its network and its ability to address a wide variety of environmental and social justice concerns. What issues should be prioritized so the Club remains effective but does not overextend its resources?Read the answers.


9: Good communication strategies are one key to environmental and political success. Now more than ever, effectively communicating in the digital realm is crucial to our mission. In recent years the club has made a large push to upgrade our technology and create and employ new tools and more effective digital strategies. What do you think is the most important part of our digital strategies?  How will you support and expand our digital strategies? Read the answers.

10: What has drawn you to the Sierra Club as opposed to other organizations? Read the answers.
