Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant: A Post-Corruption Trial Update

After the corruption trial of Joel Gilbert (Balch & Bingham) and David Roberson (Drummond Company), Gasp will begin sharing documents in evidence and explaining how and why this story matters, and where we go from here.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (Nov. 24, 2018) —The trial of the Balch & Bingham attorney Joel Gilbert and Drummond Company executive David Roberson is over, and a jury of their peers found them guilty of all charges.  On October 23, Joel Gilbert was sentenced to five years in prison; David Roberson was sentenced to 30 months.

Gasp has taken a special interest in this trial due to our work in the impacted communities since 2010. Much of the criminal and criminal-adjacent activities were in direct response to some of our positions and work regarding the contamination issues. To wit, Gasp was mentioned in Balch and Bingham billing documents introduced into evidence almost 500 times.

Lining a politician’s pockets to receive favors is, unfortunately, a common occurrence in our state and most Alabamians aren’t surprised at all when such news breaks. However, it is uncommon for an executive from a powerful coal company and a partner from the premier law firm representing them to be indicted, found guilty, and be sentenced to prison.

The Balch & Bingham/Drummond trial was not your typical story of a dirty politician getting paid for favors, though. The trial revealed the guts deep inside the successful execution of a corrupt plot: corporate astroturfing, strong-arming regulators, extensive ghost-writing for elected officials, employing “spokespeople” to distribute propaganda, and engaging in downright immoral behavior.

Read the full article on GASP Group's website.